Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Torah U’Tefilah #160

Parashas Vayeira

These Divrei Torah are available weekly and sponsorship opportunities are available.

By: Rabbi Yehuda Winzelberg.


Click to download the PDF.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Torah U’Tefilah #159

Parashas Lech Lecha

These Divrei Torah are available weekly and sponsorship opportunities are available.

By: Rabbi Yehuda Winzelberg.


Click on the link to download the file in PDF.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Lech Licha 5774

Rabbi Herschel Finman

The Souls Avrohom Made
Parshas Lech Licha, Genesis 12 - 17, features the life of the Patriarch Avrohom.  Avrohom left Charan for Canaan with "the souls he had made." The expression "had made" is quite perplexing. These were people who Avrohom convinced to accept monotheism. They became his groupies. Perhaps, it should have stated the people who Avrohom convinced or the members of Avrohom's entourage.  

The first Mishna in Baba Metzia states, "Two people come into a court. Both are grabbing a tallis. Each one says, 'I found the tallis first. It belongs to me.' The litigants swear that they possess not less than half and the tallis is divided."  The Chasidic interpretation of the Mishna is that two souls come to the heavenly court. Each one is grabbing a new soul that has just arrived. Each soul says, "I brought this person back to Judaism - the merit is all mine." Etc.

When is a person a person? The previous Lubavitcher Rebbe said that age is not measured by the birth certificate. It is measured based on a person's accomplishments. Those people that Avrohom "made" were initially idolaters.  Their deeds were counterproductive and contrary to the purpose of creation. They were nonentities. It was only through Avrohom's involvement were these people "made".

It is quite interesting to note that Israel is always referred to as Canaan in the Chumash. Canaan was Ham's fourth son. Noach cursed Canaan that his progeny be a cursed people - enslaved to the descendants of Shem (the Semites).

King Solomon writes that he sees an advantage of light from darkness and wisdom from stupidity. Adding a lot of light to a lit room does not accomplish what a little light in a dark room can. This conversion from darkness to light represents a total paradigm shift. Canaan to Israel represents that same shift.

A parable:   A man once went on a search for the truth. He travelled everywhere and found only fallacy.  He came upon a clearing and saw a house that was glowing with light. He entered the front door and yelled, "Hellooo". Every room was filled with oil candles. Big ones sat on the floor, smaller ones on shelves.

He suddenly came upon an old man who quite brusquely barked, "What are you doing here?"  The man replied, "I am looking for the truth."  "Ohhh,' replied the old man, "You have come to the right place. Each candle represents how much time a person has in this world. The big candles are newborns; the little ones are old people. That candle that just went out, he just died."  "Can you show me my candle?" asked the man." The old man shook his head and said, "You don't want to see your candle. I have been here for years and I've never seen mine." "But I'm looking for truth the man insisted." After much coaxing, the old man took the man to see his candle.

"That's it," said the old man and walked away. The man was shocked. There was no oil left in his candle. It was only the end of a burning wick. The man began to panic. What could he do?  He noticed a huge candle nearby and a ladle hanging on the wall. Could he? Should he? With trembling hands the man took down the ladle, saw the old man was not around and started to dip the ladle into the big candle. Suddenly, the old man came in, "Stop! Do want the truth, or do you want the truth the way you want it be?!"

Think about it. 

By: Rabbi Herschel Finman

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Neville Chamberlain & Barack Obama

The Lubavitcher Rebbe used to say that all the news we need is contained in the current weekly Torah portion! Indeed, some clues found in the later sections of this week’s parshah of Noah dealing with the offspring of Shem, Ham and Japheth and the ill-fated Tower of Babel may help throw some light on U.S. President Obama’s declared hopes of reaching a peaceful accommodation with Iran over its nuclear programs (i.e. diplomatically allowing Iran to build bombs, which it will most certainly brandish against Israel).
The U.S. President is in some ways reminiscent of Nimrod, who was the first-born of Ham’s son Kush. Nimrod is described as a “mighty hunter” (Genesis 10:9), i.e. “he ensnared people’s minds with his mouth and deceived them into rebelling against the Almighty” (see Rashi there). Likewise, Obama attained the presidency through compelling, honey-sweet rhetoric that won the hearts of millions. He has subsequently proved himself a true revolutionary, rapidly turning America, one-time bastion of liberty, into what increasingly resembles a communist tyranny.

Obama has succeeded in demoting America from its mission as the world’s policeman of freedom, abandoning and even sabotaging some of her most loyal and democratic allies in favor of repressive regimes that have traditionally been foes of the USA. Obama’s goal appears to be more than merely to diminish America. It may be that this ego-maniac’s dream is to go down in history as the ultimate Nobel-laureate world peace-maker, who will “solve” not only the Iranian crisis but also the seemingly most intractable problem of all: the Arab-Israeli conflict. Facilitating the State of Israel’s demise would apparently pave the way for an impregnable New World Order, which is precisely what Nimrod sought to build, a world from which all recognition of the God of Israel and the right of His people to practice the Torah in their land is erased.

“Many are the thoughts in the heart of a man, but the counsel of God will prevail” (Proverbs 19:21).

Official opposition, tacit support
My late father, of blessed memory (1912-98), who grew up in the post World War I era and witnessed the ascent of Nazi Germany, had a very clear view of political realities, acquired among the impoverished Polish-Jewish immigrant tailors in London with whom he grew up. In numerous discussions I had with him about the history of his times, my father never ceased emphasizing that in the period before World War II, Britain, France and the other western powers officially opposed Hitler and his ambitions but in fact tacitly facilitated and encouraged his ascent in the hope that he would destroy communist Russia. But in the end the dog broke free from its leash and turned against its masters, leading to the devastation of World War II.

Likewise, since the 1980’s Iran-Contra (“Irangate”) affair, it has been evident that despite official western declarations of intent to contain Iran, the actual effects of European-American-Russian-Chinese connivance in bypassing sanctions and continuing trading with Iran, while endlessly procrastinating in seriously confronting her nuclear build-up, have been to greatly strengthen her to the point where Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and the country’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei are now laughing because they know the way is wide open for them to start production of nuclear weapons.

The irony is that if Obama (arguably an Ishmaelite), is current leader over Edom (just as a number of Roman emperors were black), his underhand connivance in the build-up of Iran will ultimately prove Edom’s undoing as soon as Iran really does start brandishing its nuclear bombs.

Persia, nemesis of Edom

An important clue to Persia’s leading role as the nemesis of Edom is contained in our present parshah of Noah. Commenting on Genesis 10:2 listing the sons of Noah’s first-born Japheth, Rashi states about the last-mentioned, Tiras, that “This is Persia” (Rashi on Gen. 10:2).

The identity of Japheth’s youngest son is significant because in Jeremiah’s prophecy about the downfall of Edom, we learn that this will come about through “the young of the flock”.

“Hear the counsel of HaShem, that He has taken against Edom… surely the youngest of the flock shall drag them away, surely their habitation shall be appalled at them” (Jeremiah 49:20).

In the words of Rashi in his commentary on the above verse, the “youngest of the flock” is “the most despicable of the nations, and our rabbis explained that this is Persia, who is the youngest of the children of Japheth”. The despicability of Persia is seen in the fact that even though the Persian king Cyrus authorized the building of the Second Temple, the Divine Presence did not dwell there as it did in King Solomon’s Temple (see Rashi on Genesis 9:26 and Yoma 10a).

It will be highly ironic if Obama’s complicity in the build-up of Iran – which seems to be part of his overall strategy to force Israel into a suicidal “peace agreement” with the Arabs – will eventually result in the unleashing of Iran at the forefront of the world stage as the final nemesis of America, leading to an orgy of mutual destruction.

This indeed was foreseen by the rabbis thousands of years ago. That Edom and Persia were always destined to be the leading players on the world stage at the end of days is explicit in the Babylonian Talmud in Tractate Avodah Zarah 2b, which states that “their empires will continue until Mashiach comes”. The Tosafot on that page (in the comment beginning with the word mashchah) state that “Persia will fall at the hand of Rome just before Mashiach arrives”. However, the above-quoted prophecy in Jeremiah 49:20 suggests that this will only happen after Persia has totally devastated Edom.

 Waiting for superman?

Understandably, many Jews and lovers of Israel are highly perturbed at the specter of a nuclear Iran, and are still hoping against hope that some brave superman (Netanyahu and the IDF?) will knock out their installations. Others would like to trust Nimrod-Obama’s soothing promises that if diplomacy fails to dissuade Iran from her nuclear aspirations, the option of military intervention is still “on the table”.

To my mind these promises are as reliable as British Prime Minster Neville Chamberlain’s promise of “Peace in Our Time” following his infamous Munich meeting with Hitler just seventy-five years ago. In fact it took less than one year after that for Nazi Germany to attack Poland, thereby starting World War II.

To save Israel from the menace of Iran, we should ultimately rely neither on President Obama nor on Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Israeli army nor anyone except God Almighty, because no human will be able to swerve the floodwaters of world history from their divinely ordained course.

I believe that all Jews and lovers of Israel need to internalize the moral of a famous rabbinic end-of-days teaching that foresees the very scenario we actually witness developing around us today. (The first time I heard this Midrash was during the 1980-88 Iraq-Iran war, when it was quoted several times by the Lubavitcher Rebbe. At that time few could have imagined that war-beaten Iran would ever take the center of the world stage, but now we are seeing it with our own eyes.)

“In the year in which king Mashiach is revealed, all the rulers of the world will be fighting one another. The king of Persia will fight the king of Arabia, and the king of Arabia will go to Aram to seek advice from them. [In recent years we have seen Saudi Arabia’s consternation in face of Iran’s build-up and repeated lobbying of the US/Europe=Aram for stronger action. ABY.] The king of Persia will then destroy the whole world and all the nations of the world will be raging in turmoil and will fall on their faces. Pangs will take hold of them like a woman’s birth pangs. Israel will be in tumult and turmoil, asking, “Where shall we go Where shall we go?” [This is exactly what many Israelis are asking today.] And the Holy One blessed-be-He will say to them, “Do not be afraid. Everything I have done, I have done only for your sake. Why are you afraid? Do not fear, for the time of your redemption has arrived, and the last redemption will not be like the first redemption. For after the first redemption, you suffered pain and were still subjected to the nations, but after the last redemption, you will suffer no further pain or subjection to the nations” (Midrash Yalkut Shimoni on Isaiah chapter 60).

Torah and Prayer

 While Israel and Jews generally need to take proactive measures in the material world to seek to protect ourselves against those seeking to destroy us, we must at the same time keep in mind that the only two sure avenues to salvation at the End of Days and on God’s Great Day of Judgment are Torah and Prayer. This we learn from Isaiah chapter 26 verse 20: “Go My people, come into your inner chambers, close your doors behind you, hide for just a moment until the anger will pass.”

In the words of the classic Bible commentator Rabbi David KimchĂ© (“RaDaK” 1160-1235): “This verse is speaking of the war of Gog and Magog, which will be a time of trouble for Israel for a short time. The prophet says figuratively, ‘Come into your inner chambers and close your doors behind you’: i.e. hide yourselves in good deeds and complete repentance, for the anger will only be for a short while and then it will pass, and the good people will be saved”. Rashi tells us that these “inner chambers” are the synagogues (prayer) and study halls (Torah learning).

Shabbat Shalom! Chodesh Tov UMevorach! Have a peaceful Shabbat and a Good and Blessed Month!

By: Avraham ben Yaakov.

*This article was posted in Letter from Jerusalem.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Torah U’Tefilah #158


These Divrei Torah are available weekly and sponsorship opportunities are available.

By: Rabbi Yehuda Winzelberg.


Click to download the file in PDF.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Reasoning Behind the Seven Laws

By: Rabbi Yakov D. Cohen

Why are the 7 Noahide Laws Important?

A Moment of Silence

Much is said about freedom of speech, on the right of a person to express his opinions without fear. However, have you ever thought about our freedom to be silent? Silence is the ability to stop the mad rush of life, close your eyes and stop to contemplate by one’s self. Silence enables us to connect with our ability to think and imagine. This is what separates us from other life forms.

The World Is Not a Jungle

Let’s take for ourselves a moment of silence: The world is full of various and conflicting cultures, peoples are still fighting for their independence and much of the world’s population lives with hunger and poverty.

We don’t have to go so far from our own experience. How many times have you encountered in your immediate surroundings lack of respect for others, acts that are the opposite of truth and justice and man’s lack of respect for his environment. We ask ourselves, “How can it be, in a world that is so developed scientifically and human understanding has reached heights that once were unimaginable, these problems persist?”

These phenomenon have occurred in peoples who achieved the highest levels in science, philosophy and the arts. One moment of silence is enough time to come to the conclusion that the human conscience must be brought into line with a higher standard. Man made values are not enough to maintain a good and just society. Silence also allows a person to recognize something higher than himself, to understand that only the power and choice of the Creator allows the continued existence of the world.

The End of the Breakdown of Values

Mankind has already come once to a breakdown of values that led to the destruction of most of the world’s population at the time of the Great Flood. Afterwards, the Creator commanded Noah and his sons, who were the kernel from which the human race continued, concerning the “Seven Noahide Laws”. These seven basic laws contain the basic morals for maintaining a healthy and just civilization.

This allows for the diversity and cultural plurality of mankind while uniting in faith in the Creator and with the Seven Noahide Laws providing a common moral foundation to human existence.

Moses who received the Torah from G-d spread the message of these Seven Noahide Laws and commanded us to influence all the nations of the world to accept them. One who keeps these laws because G-d commanded Moses on Mt.Sinai merits divine reward from G-d for keeping them.
The purpose of these commandments is to make the world should be settled and not barren, G-d forbid. These laws assure the continued existence of the world and all its inhabitants. One who abandons these basic values forfeits in this way his right to exist because his actions bring about the opposite of settling the world.
Where does this lead?

Is it really possible for a world like this to exist? You would be amazed to hear that the answer is yes. It is a fact that the same world in which people worshipped strength and blindly followed rulers in fighting unnecessary wars has changed drastically since the middle of the 20th century. Mankind is coming to realization that peace, social justice and freedom are the values to be championed. The cold war has ended, atomic weapons were destroyed and many peoples achieved their independence. There is still a long way to go and much more effort has to be expended. The trend, however, is clear enough.

The World Unites

This didn’t just randomly happen. The Bible states that the world will reach perfection at the time of the Redemption. In the days of the Messiah the nations will all be united in faith in the Creator and the performance of His commandments.

The prophet Isaiah said, “Then the peoples will speak a pure language to serve him together”. This procedure will begin with the appearance of a great leader, the King Moshiach, who deeds on behalf of education, justice, honesty and establishing faith will influence the entire world, even subconsciously. Then they will come to realize that the true strength and power are based on the statement, “In G-d we trust”.

The Personality Behind the Process

The Lubavitcher Rebbe, he is the man that G-d has chosen for this task. The more than 50 years of his leadership was devoted to working for education, justice and truth for the entire world. From the east to the west.

Many leaders have expressed their appreciation of his deeds and participated in his call for education that is based on faith in the Creator of the world and his prophet Moses, who gave the world these commandments. The Rebbe, King Moshiach, has decided that our generation is the generation of the Redemption and all mankind will march to a new age. An age without war, hunger, or competition; a world of peace, mutual assistance economic abundance and high spiritual awareness. A world where the shining figure of the Moshiach will inspire the entire world.

Keeping the Seven Noahide laws will hasten the appearance of this wonderful age and assure each individual a place in it.