Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Ten Times Chai: 180 Orthodox Synagogues of New York City

Ten Times Chai: 180 Orthodox Synagogues of New York City

Retail price, $39.95 and on Amazon, $29.49. Special sale price for JournalMitzvah subscribers, $20 cash free delivery anywhere in Brooklyn or $25 delivery by mail, pay by PayPal, Venmo, etc. Offer good while quantities last.

A hard cover, coffee table style photo book with 613 color photos of existing orthodox synagogues in the 5 boroughs of NYC, Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Great for any Jewish home or to give as a gift.

Contact the Author by phone or text, 516-503-7617 or email,

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Land of Israel

Rebbe Nachman MiUman says the only motive for going to the land of Israel should be spiritual: to draw closer to God. One who goes there with this intention will certainly benefit. Merely by setting foot in the land, he will become absorbed in and transformed by its holiness. For this reason even one who walks four cubits in the land of Israel is assured that he will inherit the world to come (Ketubot 111a). But if a person's motive has no connection with devotion to God and purification from evil, how will the land of Israel help him? It will vomit him out “as it vomited out the nation that was before you” (Leviticus 18:28).

Likutey Moharan I, 155

Article posted by BreslovEnglish in Instagram.

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Righteous

B”H May all the righteous, the good, the faithful to the word of G-d of the Jewish People at Passover receive in themselves the great light of the HaKadosh Barukh Hu, freeing themselves from lies, hatred, envy, corruption, deceit, wickedness, and the evil eye of the nations, receiving many blessings from HaShem.

In this superior meeting with HaShem, total personal annihilation and the freedom to accept the Torah as the only truth and reality of our lives, the source of purification and sanctification, lifting us up, feeding us, leading us at every step, to every day to serve HaShem renewed with joy and warm thanks to Him, we began as never before studying Torah in Shalom, feeling every word of prayers in our soul, deep deeper touching and not touching the Most High, have completely opened our eyes, heart to the upper of Heaven and hands building a new, more beautiful world, only to our Father in Heaven, only to our Father in Heaven.

May all the holy Tzaddikim (Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, Rabbi Noson of Breslov, The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Shneor Zalman of Liadi, Rav Avigdor Miller, Rabbi Moshe Cordovero, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria, Rabbi Chaim Vital, Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin, Rabbi Noam Elimelech, Rabbi Yosef Chaim) for their merit lead us and guide us to good and straight, all the time. Amen. Amen.

With Love, Chag sameach - Shalom,

Gilson Sason.

Friday, April 12, 2019

VITALITY - Metzorah - Shabbos Hagadol 5779

VITALITY - Gates Of Emunah - Metzorah - Shabbos Hagadol 5779

People work all day, do and buy all sorts of
things just to have a bit of vitality. They go
on holiday, they sacrifice everything, just
for a bit of vitality. They worry all day…

Vitality is something we all need. What people
won’t do for a bit of vitality. They work
all day, buy all sorts of things, just to have a
bit of vitality. They go on holiday, they sacrifice
everything, just for a bit of vitality.
They spend all day worrying, without any
vitality, so that someday they’ll have some

Rebbe Nachman tells us that the place we
get real vitality from is Tefillah - prayer.

Vitality is serving Hashem. What else is
there to do in this world? What will be left
behind from anything else? The greatest
vitality is to succeed in Torah and Tefillah
and doing teshuvah. Sins are what rob us of
our vitality. When a person hasn’t yet done
teshuvah, he loses his place, and he has no

The true source of vitality is the Torah –
daas, true knowledge, Emunah. But where
do we get this from?

When a person can’t focus himself and do
things with the right measure, he gets confused.
He spreads himself out in all direc-
tions, wanting things that he can’t attain
right now, and that leaves him worn out
and stressed. If he would focus himself, he
would have set shiurim and do some hisbodedus
each day, and he’d feel good. He’d
have vitality. Living simply brings us vitality.

It’s very hard to change a person. You can
lecture him all day long, but it won’t change
him. “Stop sinning, stop stealing, start to
pray, start to learn.” He won’t know why he
should change, he doesn’t feel like he can
change, and he may not even be aware that
he’s doing anything wrong. But give him a
taste of vitality… and then everything
changes. “Sins – I don’t want them anymore.
Give me some more of that vitality!”
Vitality is addictive.

What’s the greatest pleasure in the world?
It’s breaking our servitude to pursuing
pleasures. This is the truth, and the truth
enlivens us. The Rebbe wants to connect us
to the truth. When we’re connected to the
truth, we know what Emunah is, we know
the value of our every thought and action.
“Hashem gets such pleasure every time I
think of Him. How much more so when I
turn to Him with my problems and speak to
Him.” When we know the truth, our learning
becomes a completely different experience.
Every mishna, every page of Gemarah
– we see how with each one, we’ve won
the Lotto. We’re as rich as can be. Why?
Because we kept Shabbos, enjoyed our chulent
and kugel, and sang songs praising Hashem.

Pharaoh enslaves us, robbing us of our vitality.
He thrives on falsehood, like lust. He
tells us that there’s lots to be worried
about, so we spend our days slaving under
the hot sun when we could be free. Even if
we’re financially settled, we can worry
about our children, or our grandchildren.
How will they get by?

It used to be the minhag to just worry
about today, but nowadays the minhag has
become to worry about at least three genera
tions time! Am I progressing in serving
Hashem, or am I regressing? I didn’t feel so
good this morning, I had a funny feeling –
perhaps I’ve come down with something
terrible?! What should I do? When Pharaoh
succeeds, we get caught up in slavery to
him instead of being subservient to Hashem.

The Rebbe wants us to have vitality now, to
be free. Pesach is just as good a time to
come back to Hashem as Rosh Hashanah
and Yom Kippur are. Serving Pharaoh is so
bitter, but nothing is so sweet as serving
Hashem. Happy Pesach!

By Rabbi Nissan Dovid Kivak shlit”a.

This Publication is a project of the Gates of Emunah Institute for the dissemination of the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov in English.

Published by: Gates of Emunah
Authorized to publish this article in Jornal Mitsvá
Translation by: Gilson Sasson

Monday, April 1, 2019

Understading Emunah (Faith)

Understading Emunah (Faith)

One person cannot explain what Faith is about, so as one person can understanding what Faith is about?

Emunah is connected with miracles and wonders of G-d, hidden ones and revealed ones, this is what we know directly from the Bible, although we can literally understand the meaning of all the events that the Almighty has done in every miracle and wondrousness, nowadays we put less "emunah" in it?

The Pharaoh, "worshiped" by some, and hated "empowering the pharaoh" by others, both place in this present time more trust, more sovereignty, more importance in the words of men, but as in ancient times, HaShem is the big Father, and below him are the big brothers, and whoever runs the big brothers is the big Father, always.

It does not matter at all who the president of a country is, if you put Emunah in your life, everything can become for the better, all that HaShem does is for the better, and exactly in this moment you realizes that everything is already better now, before anyone says that he or she did not realize it, HaShem renews the world every day, the very existence of life is the greatest wonder and very good... Technically, Emunah [Faith] is to trust in HaShem, without asking for anything in return, but Thanks G-d for everything, all is in control Him, in other words, whoever commands the whole world is the Big Boss.

The spiritual giants in his approach to G-d they understood with their Emunah, that Justice and Mercy is in God's Hand.

The perspective of some human beings is to have control of everything, and if things are not the way he or she wants, the world is evil and some kind of idol, another being is dominating the world, God forbid.

We do not need to have a very mystical experience or to be Torah scholar to give Thanks HaShem for everything in this world (our family, our torah study, our tzaddikim, our torah fellows, our friends, our job, our home, our health, etc)  even though we do not understand His ways, our Emunah stands firm and strong in Him. May our prayers strengthen our Faith.

“And God saw all that He had made, and behold it was very good, and it was evening and it was morning, the sixth day.” Bereishit - Genesis - Chapter 1;31

Gilson Sasson / Journal Mitzvah