JOURNAL MITZVAH is a publication related to Torah Kabbalah study. We selected lessons given by Tzaddikim, every day is presented news about the events of the Jewish Community around the world, we have a section labeled "Book Reviews" about most recent editions of important books, and also Exclusive Interviews with Rabbis explaining about the hidden and revealed Torah.
Journal Mitzvah

Thursday, November 25, 2021
Monday, October 18, 2021
Loving Words and High Thoughts
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing before You, God, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalms 19:15"
In other versions of The
Book of Psalms, translators use the word "thought" instead of
King David
invites us to speak Loving words and to be attached to High thoughts. Rebbe
Nachman used to develop the expansion of consciousness through Hitbodedut,
since everything that contains in our thoughts and words is in connection
direct with HaShem and being shared with the people connected to us.
Published in an
article on Quantum Physics: 'Thoughts, according to quantum mechanics, play
a fundamental role in transforming reality' Metaflix.
* I pray this
Tehillim 19 is for the higher elevation of our thoughts, words and behavior.
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
A Letter Inspired by the Rebbe, Feedback { Ref. No. 5470947 } Feedback { Ref. No. 5470947 }
Dear Gilson,
This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it.
May you indeed be blessed with the ability to continue inspiring yourself and
All the best,
Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov
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On Monday, September 27, 2021 you wrote:
A Letter Inspired by
the Rebbe
Thank You HaShem!
Receiving the Torah's Wisdom
First of all, I
apologize for mistakes in my English, and with an open heart I share my
experience with the best of intentions.
Torah is finding our
true Self, the inspiration to find our mission, precisely the most important
reason of our lives, clear impression of the existence; to serve HaShem and do
our tikkun.
Torah is the work of
the Creator; His Commandments are tools of the workers.
Torah is the only
formula that cleans, restores and preserves a person's durability, spiritually
and physically.
Torah is the Manual
of Life as sages said. Using Torah's wisdom in acts of goodness and kindness,
nothing remains the same like before.
A reality we cannot
forget, the darkness of Terrorism and Antisemitism is evident around the world
and what we can to do is Bring The Light of Torah to Humanity, it started with
the big campaign for the Rebbe, teaching The Noahide Code (Universal Laws for
Mankind) and spreading Torah was and it has been a great positive impact in the
society, this is the way, each one doing what is possible in your community,
city and country, or via Internet. Taking action in the Torah is a priority to
spread goodness and kindness.
There's not much to
add to continue what the Rebbe was doing, read what there is about his
teachings, acts, something you and I can do, it makes sense, right?
There are fundamental
Mitzvot like giving Tzedakah. However, even though some of us have the cliché
of "Lack of time" because of job commitments or study hours at the
University, But We Must Remember Other People From Time to Time, It's an Act of
Kindness to send an email asking if your grandfather, your grandmother, your
parents (if you are living elsewhere), your friend is Ok [How are you? I hope
so.] Sounds basic and futile, but this kind of contact isn't just for someone
who is lacking in affection, or depressed, well, that's what good friends,
mates, relatives should do, right? Are we doing this weekly or at least once a
Communication and
Feedback can be taken into account and widen our attention to this, when we
noticed the thousands of letters of the Rebbe, yes, Rabbi Menachem Mendel
Schneerson, of righteous memory, his correspondence was many and he dedicated
to answering and sending by mail, which nowadays could be by Email. It is also
well known and documented in Alim LiTerufah the correspondences that Reb Noson
of Breslov had with many people, even with all the financial difficulties,
opposition from authorities against Judaism, they gave this value to each
other, conversations based on Torah is a Mitzvah.
"With Wisdom the
house will be built and with Understanding the rooms will be filled."
Chayey Moharan of Rebbe Nachman.
G-d blesses you with
holy inspiration, good intentions and good actions.
Gilson Sasson (Journal Mitzvah)
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
TO BE HAPPY, TRULY Rabbi Nachman of Breslov's teachings
(Rabbi Nachman of Breslov famously
taught, “It is a great mitzvah to be happy always.")
Aren't you Happy? Let's work
this out, my good friend.
There is the best specialist
in the world for this cause and available to everyone, from whatever level one
is presently at, and he listens to the big millionaires as well as the poor, at
no cost (laughs), the main requirement is just accept what he recommends. Are
you ready to open your heart to the Tzaddik? Come on, he'll hear you.
It's good and healthy to be
Happy and living in a Joy mood, our teacher, Rebbe Nachman, the Light of
Lights, teach us; even in an involuntary way, we must not surrender to
problems, doubts, losses... we must strive to be happy and see the beautiful
things around us and within us, see the miracles and wonders like rain, all the
delicious and nutritious fruits, the abundant food. Sometimes we consider
things casual in Nature and Environment, the Creator provided thousands of
beauties and resources to man, we were given much more than we deserve. These
are good reasons to be very happy.
In these moments, a good
recommendation is to stop wanting "receive to ourselves" and wish to
share, yes, to give of our time and resources to other people, you will be
better for doing good, contributing to the well-being of other people, it will
lead you to happiness, your presence is important in this world, every act of
kindness benefits the whole world.
Here are some powerful
insights from Rabbi Nachman of Breslov:
“Make every effort to maintain
a happy, positive outlook at all times”
“There is a way in which
everything can be turned to good”
“If you are happy, the whole
world benefits”
“You must search for the good
in yourself, you should always try to be happy and serve G-d with joy, G-d will
soon help you and His light will shine on you again”
“You should feel so happy when
you do a mitzvah that you don’t do it merely to receive a reward”
“It is a wonderful thing when
people dance for joy for the sake of a mitzvah!”
“The way to come to joy is
through Torah and Prayer”
By Gilson Sasson, Journal Mitzvah
Monday, September 27, 2021
Dear Rabbi Tal Zwecker, In an attempt to inspire more people to approach HaShem, to do good deeds of kindness, I wrote this letter with my experiences and inspired by the lessons of the Rebbe.
Could you give Brachah so that the words of this letter enter people's hearts and continue to expand in myself?
“I give my berachos that people find
inspiration to serve Hashem that this expands in your heart and theirs Amen
Happy Simchas Torah”
Rabbi Tal Zwecker
(Book Author:
Mipeninei Noam Elimelech by Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk)
Thank You HaShem! Receiving the Torah's Wisdom
First of all, I apologize for mistakes in my English, and with an open heart I share my experience with the best of intentions.
Torah is finding our true Self, the inspiration to find our mission, precisely the most important reason of our lives, clear impression of the existence; to serve HaShem and do our tikkun.
Torah is the work of the Creator; His Commandments are tools of the workers.
Torah is the only formula that cleans, restores and preserves a person's durability, spiritually and physically.
Torah is the Manual of Life as sages said. Using Torah's wisdom in acts of goodness and kindness, nothing remains the same like before.
A reality we cannot forget, the darkness of Terrorism and Antisemitism is evident around the world and what we can to do is Bring The Light of Torah to Humanity, it started with the big campaign for the Rebbe, teaching The Noahide Code (Universal Laws for Mankind) and spreading Torah was and it has been a great positive impact in the society, this is the way, each one doing what is possible in your community, city and country, or via Internet. Taking action in the Torah is a priority to spread goodness and kindness.
There's not much to add to continue what the Rebbe was doing, read what there is about his teachings, acts, something you and I can do, it makes sense, right?
There are fundamental Mitzvot like giving Tzedakah. However, even though some of us have the cliché of "Lack of time" because of job commitments or study hours at the University, But We Must Remember Other People From Time to Time, It's an Act of Kindness to send an email asking if your grandfather, your grandmother, your parents (if you are living elsewhere), your friend is Ok [How are you? I hope so.] Sounds basic and futile, but this kind of contact isn't just for someone who is lacking in affection, or depressed, well, that's what good friends, mates, relatives should do, right? Are we doing this weekly or at least once a month?
Communication and Feedback can be taken into account and widen our attention to this, when we noticed the thousands of letters of the Rebbe, yes, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, his correspondence was many and he dedicated to answering and sending by mail, which nowadays could be by Email. It is also well known and documented in Alim LiTerufah the correspondences that Reb Noson of Breslov had with many people, even with all the financial difficulties, opposition from authorities against Judaism, they gave this value to each other, conversations based on Torah is a Mitzvah.
"With Wisdom the house will be built and with Understanding the rooms will be filled." Chayey Moharan of Rebbe Nachman.
G-d blesses you with holy inspiration, good intentions and good actions.
Gilson Sasson.
Thursday, July 15, 2021
The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory.
The Lubavitcher
Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory.
“From this we
learn that the way to bring the world to its ideal state - the Messianic Future
- is to fully embrace the challenge of elevating and refining the world, as
this is the ultimate goal of the Redemption. Likutey Sichot (Daily Wisdom of
[Seven Noahide
Commandments – Torah Kabbalah]
In Society in
general, be it European, North American, South American - There are THIEVES,
BANDITS, RAPISTS, KILLERS, IDOLATERS, LIARS, in short, those who do bad things
one way or another against Jews or non-Jews!
I have read many
books and listened to many Rabbis in video classes, etc... What we learn can
completely change the present and future, of course, as we live in reality of
"space and time", nothing is a "Magic Pill" that in seconds
everything changes, as we know, all the best efforts take time to get
But think, my good
friends, for lack of opportunities or why no one ever told these THIEVES,
BANDITS, RAPISTS, KILLERS, IDOLATERS, LIARS when they were children or young
people about the Seven Laws of Noah - how much of them could have changed your
life, for the better, and have never committed these kinds of crimes, such
deviations that they caused harm to themselves and to other people? The same
one who learns Torah Kabbalah, after some time (short, medium, and long
term...) they change for the better and do good.
Noahide laws have
been authorized by important names such as Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson,
and others of our day such as Harav Yitzchak Ginsburgh, Rabbi Avraham
Chachamovits, Rabbi Avraham Ben Yaakov, Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok, Rabbi Moshe
Steinerman, Rabbi, Yakov David Cohen, Rabbi Michael Schulman, Rabbi
David-Yitzhak Trauttman and there are many other Rabbis, I apologize if I
forgot to mention their good names.
How many murders, how
many rapes we have CANCELLED for being studying and spreading about the Torah
as well as Seven Laws of Noah, have you ever imagined how our behaviors, and
our "sharing" can change the present and future disasters,
injustices, bad acts for those we are teaching? Perhaps we could even avoid
wars, if the person (who could become a evil doer) learns the Divine
Commandments and this new path, prevent him or her from carrying out future
atrocities against Jews or non-Jews.
There is much more
than learning, teaching…… there is a responsibility for the collective, who
takes care of where he or she lives, the result will always be good.
Learning everything
we study has only reason, value, results IF we put it into practice in
ourselves, and respecting the free will of each one, still, for loving each
person and wanting the good for him or her and the entire community, we can
give the words right for these people, the right direction for meeting G-d.
Peace (Shalom),
Gilson Sasson / Journal Mitzvah
Sunday, July 11, 2021
Chassidus Kabbalah & Meditation (I Love Torah Series) BOOK REVIEW
REB MOSHE STEINERMAN's Chassidus Kabballah and Meditation was a surprise to me, we can have the right feeling but without realizing how important our every action together with those we study Torah is, we can lose Kedushah in connection.
I am very happy, this is important book to read about Torah Kaballah, I can guarantee this book will surprise you, this is a great tool to help in the Path of G-d. The author explains about step by step where one need learn before Kabbalah study.
When I read the second lesson "The Key to Kabballah," it already opened my being to a greater reality. Something i have never imagined before. Chassidus Kabbalah & Meditation (I Love Torah Series) you got 270 pages in two versions: Paperback edition and Kindle Edition in Amazon website.
Thank you so much Reb Moshe Steinerman, may HaShem bless you with a long life of service to G-d.
Order at:
Thank HaShem!
Sasson (Brazil)
Monday, June 14, 2021
The Rebbe would teach Rashi on the Chumash, arguing that Rashi is teaching a 5-year-old child who learns Chumash for the first time, as the Mishna says that a 5-year-old learns Chumash. Everything in Rashi is on the level of a 5-year-old, every question should be simple and straightforward, the answer should be understood to the 5-year-old, and if Rashi does not ask a question which other commentators ask, this question doesn’t bother the 5-year-old, it may be a question to a scholar or an adult, but not to the child. Once the Rebbe taught a Rashi on Parshas Shlach (Bamidbar 14, 36), where it talks about the 10 spies who instigated the Jews against G-d and the land, they were punished by death in a plague.
Rashi explains the meaning of the words “they returned and badmouthed him” for which they were punished, by saying that “when they returned from scouting the land they organized the people against him (Moshe) by badmouthing”. The Rebbe asks; what was missing in the verse “they returned and badmouthed him” that Rashi has to add Moshe in the context? This is pretty clear, they were punished for badmouthing G-d, Moses, the land; why is Rashi inserting a clarification that they instigated against Moshe? The Rebbe explained; the 5-year-old asks, G-d is angry, He wants to kill all the Jews and Moses will replace them with a new nation, Moses prays and pleads and begs for the Jews, and ultimately G-d says, I forgive like you asked. And the Jews are spared. Then we learn that the 10 scouts died, they were not spared. Asks the 5-year-old, if Moses can save 600,000 with his prayers couldn’t he save just another 10 people? To which Rashi responds; “they organized the people against him (Moshe)”, therefore Moshe could not save them. There is a known rule in life, “a prosecutor can’t become a defender”, in this case, because the sin of the spies was directed at Moshe, G-d said, you can’t defend them, their crime was against you, so you are like the prosecutor, therefore you can’t be their defender. Concluded the Rebbe; the lesson is that Jewish leaders work tirelessly to bring blessing to all the Jews, except for those who go against them. Rabbi Leibel Schapiro was editing this talk for the Rebbe to approve for publication, and when he got the final Sicha (booklet), he noticed that the last part which says that leaders cannot bring blessings for their opponents, was missing, the Sicha finished mid-sentence, with the message that Jewish leaders bring blessings for the entire Jewish people. Being that he lived in Florida, he called New York to ask, what did you do to butcher my editing? He was told, that when the Rebbe got this transcript, the Rebbe put a big X on that last paragraph. Puzzled, the Rebbe was asked what’s wrong, isn’t this exactly what the Rebbe said? The Rebbe responded; this is in total contrast to Chassidic thinking, burn this paper and you should never repeat this! Moses perhaps couldn’t save his opponents, but we who learned Chassidus, this goes against our grain, there’s no such thing that a Chassidic leader becomes a prosecutor against another Jew. This is the most powerful message that we can get from the Rebbe, Moses our greatest leader ever, he couldn’t do it, but now that we have Chassidus we can. Wow! (Perhaps in Torah conversation and study we can complete the sentence, but to publish this forever, this cannot be repeated, because it is not applicable in today’s real life.) Over the years the Rebbe imbued us with so much Ahavas Yisroel (absolute love of fellow Jew), and he kept reemphasizing that this is the precursor to the coming of Moshiach.
When Moshe took the Jews out of Egypt about 80% of the Jews didn’t make it out, because they went against Moshe and his prophecy that redemption is imminent. However, Moshiach will be collecting each and every Jew hand by hand from every corner of the world, no Jew will be left behind. That’s why Moshiach will come as a result of the spreading of the teachings of Chassidus, because this is necessary to condition us to be able to welcome Moshiach. And the Rebbe not only taught us Chassidus, but the Rebbe lived Chassidus, the Rebbe implemented in real life what Chassidus teaches to love a Jew unconditionally, no if buts and how’s. If there is one trait about the Rebbe that we can all connect to and learn to implement, this unconditional love is it. Learn from the Rebbe to love, to bring Moshiach, as we complete on Gimmel Tammuz the 40th cycle of studying Rambam with the laws of Moshiach to make them real and practical.
Have a Loving Inspiring Moshiach Shabbos, Gut Shabbos Yosef Katzman
Published at Journal Mitzvah. With authorization of Rabbi Yosef Katzman.
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Question 5
Date: 03.24.2020
Topic: Pandemic
Dear Rabbi,
Torah leaders around the world have declared a day of fasting and prayer to unveil Hashem's mercy in this pandemic. Is it recommended to fast during a pandemic?
Answer 5:
The rabbis and Torah leaders who have implored the public to fast and repent have valid sources to their words. These Rabbis are all great men and scholars and their word is to be respected by all members of their communities. "Make for yourself a teacher (Ethics of Our Fathers 1:6):" Every person must adhere to the advice of their Rabbi.
In the Shuva Israel community too, members must listen to the words of their Rabbi. We've already communicated our thoughts on the matter to our students and followers.
By Rabbi Pinto.
Permission granted by the Instagram/Telegram administrator to the Journal Mitzvah.
The President of Rabbinical Court of Morocco.
[This is a repost, more than one year ago the mekubal, Rabbi Pinto answered several general questions including the current situation in the world, and I felt that I should post his shiurim again, this is urgent and important to us as we will need to fortify our emunah and bitachon in HaShem and through Tzaddik, to get knowledge to achieve greater wisdom and good decisions, and to do better and better what needs to be done by ourselves and our love ones. – editor of Journal Mitzvah]
(A little more than we did all together,
the more Kedushah enters this world from below, for the good of all!) Thanks,
Gilson Sasson.
Monday, May 24, 2021
4 Shiur of Rabbi Pinto shlita
4 Shiur of Rabbi
Pinto shlita
[This is a repost, more
than one year ago the mekubal, Rabbi Pinto answered several general questions
including the current situation in the world, and I felt that I should post his
shiurim again, this is urgent and important to us as we will need to fortify
our emunah and bitachon in HaShem and through Tzaddik, to get knowledge to
achieve greater wisdom and good decisions, and to do better and better what
needs to be done by ourselves and our love ones. – editor of Journal Mitzvah]
(A little more than
we did all together, the more Kedushah enters this world from below, for the
good of all!) Thanks, Gilson Sasson.
Question 4
Date: 03.24.2020
Topic: Pandemic
Dear Rabbi,
Given the current
restriction on Minyanim (quorum of 10 required for communal prayer) imposed by
the health ministry, can we partake in a Minyan which is taking place anyway?
Answer 4:
The very first principle is "Venishmartem
Meod Lenafshotechem , be very careful about your lives (Deuteronomy
4:15)." If one sees that synagogues are not respecting the current
regulations imposed by the government, such as not praying with more than ten in
a group and maintaining sufficient distance between all members, then one
should pray at home.
The pandemic should
not at all be taken lightly and all restrictions should be respected. We find
similar restrictions imposed by Rabbi Akiva Eiger on his community
during an epidemic in 1831.
As of the past
Friday, our perspective on the pandemic changed dramatically. Up until then, we
took in the media and reports as mere exaggeration. But after consulting with our personal
physician in New York - a true world-leading authority, unlike many doctors who
hold their position only by title and not through authoritative experience -
our perspective shifted to the very other extreme; the virus is a true threat
to mankind. Young and old are at risk. This doctor saved my life in a complicated
eight-hour long surgery, and I accept his authority without doubt.
Therefore, we press
everyone to be wary of the seriousness of it all and to respect all
restrictions in place, distancing and all.
By Rabbi Pinto.
Permission granted by
the Instagram/Telegram administrator to the Journal Mitzvah.
The President of
Rabbinical Court of Morocco.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
3 Shiur of Rabbi Pinto
3 Shiur of Rabbi
[This is a repost, more than one year ago the mekubal, Rabbi Pinto answered several general questions including the current situation in the world, and I felt that I should post his shiurim again, this is urgent and important to us as we will need to fortify our emunah and bitachon in HaShem and through Tzaddik, to get knowledge to achieve greater wisdom and good decisions, and to do better and better what needs to be done by ourselves and our love ones. – editor of Journal Mitzvah]
(A little more
than we did all together, the more Kedushah enters this world from below, for
the good of all!) Thanks, Gilson Sasson.
Question 3
Date: 03.24.2020
Redemption, Anxiety
Dear Rabbi,
My wife is anxious about the state of the world once the Messiah will have arrived.
Will families
remain together?
Answer 3:
Before all: This is the year the Messiah will come. We believe that he will arrive at any moment. Perhaps within a week, a month or even a year- we are at the doorway of Redemption. It must be our firm belief that he may arrive at any moment.
One minor detail is that the Messiah will arrive when we are not consciously expecting him. If we calculate when to expect him, at a fixed moment or place, that holds him off; he will arrive when we aren't actively thinking of him. To have a fixed idea of when he will arrive can only create issues in faith.
Our current times are the beginning of the process of the Redemption. The process can take a second, minute or Heaven Forbid, a month or a year. It all depends on us.
But our thoughts are on the Messiah at all times. In all prayers, rituals and important events we pray for the return of the Jewish People to Zion, Jerusalem. When a couple unites in marriage, a glass is broken to remind them of the imperfection of the world which will attain perfection with the coming of the Messiah.
The Resurrection of the Dead will take place and it will begin with Moses and His generation. They will rise from their graves and enter the Promised Land of Israel.
Surely, there will always be doubters who confuse the faith of the masses. These doubters are the Erev Rav, THE MIXED MULTITUDES WHO BROUGHT THE JEWISH NATION TO ALL THEIR FAILURES DURING THEIR TRAVELS IN THE DESERT. People who raise doubts about the authenticity of the Torah and the Messiah are descendants of the Erev Rav, and we must distance ourselves as much as possible from such people.
The Erev Rav also represents ONE'S OWN DOUBTS AND FOOLISH, futile behavior that has no room in a Torah lifestyle. Slander, gossip, immoral, vain or futile discussions disturb the serenity and truth of the Torah that we study and live by; we must double our efforts to create a boundary between the two.
With complete faith there is no need for any anxiety. When we are bound to HaShem and the teachings of the Torah we are on the right path to welcoming the Messiah. Anxiety and doubt should have no place in our lives. If they are present it only means that one has sins that they haven't yet resolved. Sins between themselves and HaShem, themselves and others or simply within themselves. Anxiety is only healthy if it keeps one on their toes from fear of sinning. But a fear which prevents progression in one's life should be uprooted from one's heart as quickly as possible.
By Rabbi Pinto.
Permission granted by the Instagram/Telegram administrator to the Journal Mitzvah.
The President of Rabbinical Court of Morocco.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
2 Shiur of Rabbi Pinto
2 Shiur of Rabbi Pinto
[This is a repost, more than one year ago the mekubal, Rabbi Pinto answered several general questions including the current situation in the world, and I felt that I should post his shiurim again, this is urgent and important to us as we will need to fortify our emunah and bitachon in HaShem and through Tzaddik, to get knowledge to achieve greater wisdom and good decisions, and to do better and better what needs to be done by ourselves and our love ones. – editor of Journal Mitzvah]
(A little more
than we did all together, the more Kedushah enters this world from below, for
the good of all!) Thanks, Gilson Sasson.
Question 2
Date: 03.24.2020
Topic: Salvation
Dear Rabbi,
What can I do to
live to see the Messiah?
Answer 2:
The Talmud recounts that during the height of the Jewish society flourishing in the Temple era, 1,200,000 Paschal offerings (Korban Pesach) were slaughtered in Jerusalem. Given that each Pascal offering serves a family of no less than ten (as every component of the animal must be consumed), it can be inferred that there were millions upon millions of pilgrims residing in Jerusalem.
The explicit miracles that took place at the time were numerous. Firstly, the boundaries delineating Jerusalem are those currently delineating the Old City. Unbelievably, no person ever complained of cramped conditions. Then, even with all the flowing blood and fresh meat of the millions of slaughtered animals, there was not a fly present in Jerusalem. Neither did any woman experience a miscarriage from the nauseating scenario and heavy scent of the slaughtered animals. Lastly, all the millions of pilgrims managed to squeeze into the Temple confines and prostrate themselves during the prayers with room to spare. How was this last miracle possible? The Talmud explains that the Land of Israel and the Temple Mount are like the ever-elastic hide of a deer.
The Talmud teaches in the name of Rabbi Yochanan that although the verses in Shema promise longevity to those that pursue Hashem's word while living in Israel, populations in exile also merit this promise because they are diligent in their daily prayers.
The Talmud teaches that all synagogues and houses of study (Beth Midrash) throughout the world will be transposed to Israel in the times of the Messiah. Commentators differ in their opinion as to how Jerusalem and Israel will transform in the age of Messiah: One opinion states that the Temple boundaries, which are currently defined by the Temple Mount, will extend to the entire Jerusalem, while the second opinion extends the boundaries of the Jerusalem to cover the entire Land of Israel, and the entire world to take on the sanctity of the Land of Israel.
The Maharsha (commentator on the Talmud) explains that whoever partakes in the funding or maintenance of Torah locales (including synagogues) is included as a member of that place.
When Messiah finally arrives, the world will be unique and there will be Torah knowledge abounds. There will not be any sorrow or worries, only joy. All we must focus on is preparing ourselves mentally and spiritually to accept his arrival.
Sages throughout the ages were so anxious about the coming of the Messiah that any irregular sound would startle them; was that the blowing of the ram’s horn, signaling the arrival of the Messiah? Others would sleep in their clothes and shoes, just in the event that the Messiah will arrive any moment and they will be ready.
In a similar vein, Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, the grandfather of the previous Satmar Rebbe, exclaimed that hope of the Messiah's arrival kept him going his entire life. Had he known at the beginning of his life that the Messiah wasn't going to arrive during his living, he wouldn't have had motivation to live an entire life.
Each and every one of us must prepare ourselves for the Messiah that he may arrive any moment. And, as the saying goes, "even if he takes the time to arrive, I shall await his arrival every day."
By Rabbi Pinto.
Permission granted by the Instagram/Telegram administrator to the Journal Mitzvah.
The President of
Rabbinical Court of Morocco.