JOURNAL MITZVAH is a publication related to Torah Kabbalah study. We selected lessons given by Tzaddikim, every day is presented news about the events of the Jewish Community around the world, we have a section labeled "Book Reviews" about most recent editions of important books, and also Exclusive Interviews with Rabbis explaining about the hidden and revealed Torah.
Journal Mitzvah

Sunday, February 21, 2021
Saturday, February 20, 2021
HaShem's way of showing His Love and Kindness
Dear Chaverim, I would like to
share a holy revelation, HaShem's way of showing His Love and Kindness is
unlimited, out of the ordinary, secret, without informing us of the delivery
date and the expected date of "receiving" and through Tzaddikim
anything can happen. B”H!
I prayed and asked HaShem deeply that I needed to get the Rebbe's dollar, Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of blessed memory, many years have passed and my faith has not diminished, I believed in receiving the Rebbe's holy dollar, I knew I would be getting it, and now I received.
Nobody needs to agree with me but this story is part of “My mouth will recount
Your righteousness… [Psalms 71:15], because the experience was mine and how it
happened was real and beautiful – We cannot lose our Faith never, this you must
to keep in mind and in your heart! In this old video at the end Rebbe looked at
my soul and said me; this dollar is your! (although I understand that this video
was recorded many years ago and there gather people from that time, and for the
entire Jewish community), but HaShem is not limited to time and space, as well
as Rebbe already KNEW that there would be virtual currency in the future,
Tzaddik already knew about me and my sincere request, and the Rebbe himself gave
me brachot in this dollar, incredible that this video is for me, and finally,
everything will change for the better in my life and as promised, my
contribution to the Jewish Community to be continued.
Keep the Faith
Thank G-d, Blessed be He!
Gil Sasson.