Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Orthodox Judaism


In her letter to the Rebbe, a woman used the term ‘Orthodox Judaism.’

In his response, the Rebbe wrote:

“I must point out to you that splitting Judaism into ‘orthodox, conservative, and reform’ is a purely artificial division, for all Jews share one and the same Torah given by the One and same God. While there are more observant Jews and less observant ones, to tack on a label does not change the reality that we are all one.” (Excerpt from "Seeds of Wisdom").

Posted by Living Torah.


Wednesday, April 6, 2022

THE STORIES OF THE TZADDIKIM (sincerity, humility, trust and faith in HaShem)



(sincerity, humility, trust and faith in HaShem)

Why are their devotions to HaShem and all the details, practices, trips reported?

And it's still reported what their disciples were doing and what they weren't doing according to what the master was teaching, why?

And nowadays, should we behave by "imitating" these perform?

Of course, the answer is a big Yes.

What they made of Torah learning, Partnership between fellows, Mitzvot, Tzedakah, and Acts of Kindness was a fruitful endeavor.

Reporting our achievements, our defeats, our strengths, our weaknesses, our Emunah and Bitachon in HaShem we can break the Yetzer Hara (our arrogance, depression, laziness, temptations) because we are being sincere, humble and showing our trust in the Holy One Blessed be He.

Gilson Sasson.