Last week, we left Egypt.
Our sages in the Passover Agadah told us that we are so lucky it happened, because otherwise we, our children and grandchildren wouldn't have ever escaped.
Let me explore what they meant by this.
Pharoh will die some day, how can the redemption from Egypt, more than 3,000 years ago, help us till today?
Well, the name of the game is Ego.
In Hebrew, Egypt is Mitzrayim, the same route of the word as Tzar, narrow.
Every one of us carries Egypt with him.
In fact, the word Pharoh, Changing the letters in Hebrew, you get the word Oref, the neck.
We all know that we are a stiff necked people, and that is where the freedom is coming from.
When we know that our own Pharoh, the stubbornness of the ego, is narrow between the brain. Where the Truth is, to the heart. Where the ego is, all we concentrate and care about is ourselves. To the extreme of narcissism. 😳
But let it go, be there for others, care ONLY about others, that's where you'll find freedom.
It's either we are locked, imprisoned, in our own ego, or we are free and busy with others.
Let's be free, only for each other, and be ready to accept the miracles.
Just like the Splitting of the sea in this week, Parasha.
By Dinush Blau.