Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Do today what you cannot do tomorrow (Teshuvah and Faith)

As you know, we all have the ticket to enter and out of this world, once we leave, even the most brilliant mind, the most talented artist by his or her own hand, nothing new will come to light again. When and How will depart from here, only G-d knows.

Just as each one have sensitivity to heat nearly burning our skin on hot summer days as well as he or she have the sensitivity to feel cold in winter, in both cases, the two situations can affect our health, if we do not have the proper care - without talking about the past or the future, but exactly about the present, here and now, what you can see with your sensitivity to what is really happening?

Things simple or complex, no matter being smart or clever, a politician, a taxi driver or a cook's most luxurious restaurant in Paris. We're being surrounded from all sides, not just every day, but every breath.

A religious guy or not so much? A young man or an old man, it really does matter in the attack?

At the moment we are on the phone talking to people, visiting the websites on the internet, or linking to our favorite channel on TV, there's going again.

Imagine for a minute, the human mind as a broadband, a powerful internet connecting us all and with the possibility of "everything" to interact with us, with or without our real need or care for it.

The thought is a second before each action, when we are playing chess, buying a product, this is so faster, we can to choose right think and do the good deed.

Here and Now, let's walk together and think a bit. What we're doing is attracting good things in our lives and in the world, and being good in God's Eyes? Broadening the vision on a global scale, of all the words we are hearing ourselves and other, which predominates on the surface? Better or worse? We are more united as humanity or just socially disguised?

The time continues its course, and the space remains the same? The mind can occupy a great quality of information, but what kind of data on this space really contains to serve as tools in our Divine service?

Rabbi Nachman of Breslov said "Sophistication is not necessary to serve God - simplicity, sincerity and faith." (Sichos Haran # 101). Everything what is Good can be done with simplicity, sincerity and faith.

By scientific methods, can someone explain the existence of atoms, subatomic particles, although it is common for people to believe what you do not know how it works, even if scientifically proven, it is much more difficult to explain something simple in Bible, the Divine Wisdom. Even when prayer is made, what is the form used? - Faith is Loving Kindness, pure love and sincerity.

The evil one, dark side of the force drags us to do bad things, meaningless things, that we may later regret, both for what we personally affected or caused to another person. Unlike the well, the Supreme Oneness leads us to union with the Creator, the truth that brings hope, is like planting seeds that will bear fruits one day and feed the needs that we need in truth. "It (the Torah) is a Tree of life to those who hold it, happy are those who argue". (Shomer Israel of Rabbi Chida).

Before we open our eyes, we should open our hearts and minds to the Divine Wisdom, small changes today can have big changes if we're here now, that is for good reason, and finally doing what the Creator expected each: the answer is simple, understand that.

Our emunah (faith) is strengthened and we can approach closer to HaShem in truth, Amen!

Written by: Gilson-Sasson.
Published in Journal Mitzvah.
Picture taken from

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