Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Monday, July 1, 2013



                              By: Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz


Dear friends,
Please accept the first in a series of teachings focused on how to apply the wisdom of Kabbalah in your lives

Know that the Creator is Infinite.......

Know that the Creator's whole design of the Creation was to hide His Infinity from us , until we could discover how to reveal once again that all is infinity.....

Know that one of the essential points of all Kabbalistic teachings, is to reinfintize the finite---thus;

 a. the goal of the Tzimtzum [ the creation process of contracting Hashem's infinite prescence to allow for a creation to exist] creation process is to ultimately reinfinitize it all

 b. the goal of the evolution process seeking the maximal synchronization between the lights and the vessils that contain them, is to produce a setup of vessils that can contain infinity 

 c. the goal of the Mitzvot [according to the Kabbalistic consciousness perspective] is to infinitize [and thus liberate] the ACTIONS of reality that we take/do 

 d. the goal of Mystical Consciousness is to infinitize [and thus, liberate ] THOUGHT

 e. the goal of Ratzon [a Kabbalistic state of fusing our WilL with Hashem's Will ] is to infinitize [and thus liberate] our WILL and our calling in life and our capacities to be the right arm extensions of G-d's Tikun Olam process 

 f. the goal of the Divine bridge traits referred to as the Sefirot, are to infinitize all processes and all structures , [including those of our own persona] 

 g. the goal of the Tikun [rectification] of cosmic brokenness, is to transform reality into a conduit and conductor and environment for infinity 

 h. the goal of all upper and lower world interpersonal relationships is to tap into each other's infinite wellsprings and thereby unify with each other, and thereby reproduce infinite shefa[ abundance] for all of the world to be nurtured from

 i. ''the innate desire of the soul, is to reunify with the infinite...this is the root of every wanting; noother object, idea or love can satisfy it's desire. It's not only what the soul wants, but what all of existence wants.'' [Alan Afterman in his work, '[Kabbalah and Consciousness] 

 j. Humanity's goal of returning to the Garden of Eden's Paradise state, as well as the Messianic state, is to arrive at a consciousness and a reality , where all that which was lacking, will be complete---and all that which was finite will be complete

****for those interested in private Kabbalistic based guidance and\ or teaching, contact;

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