Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

ELUL to Simchat Torah - an overview


(a personal Rosh Hashanah offer and request appears at the end of this Torah discourse)

As we begin the commencement of the High Holidays - the month of Elul - an overview of this period from a deeper perspective could help the experience and connection to these holy times.

A Brief Introduction

Acts of charity - specifically those which require a person to break his cruel character and turn it into compassion - have the power and force to reveal the Divine Will (called Ratzon in Hebrew) in the world. Namely, that it is specifically the Will of Hashem that guides and governs the world and not the mask of natural causes and determinism.

With this revelation of Divine Will the personal yearning and desire (also called Ratzon in Hebrew) are also activated, thus directing a Jew to better his ways. This results in the Fear of Heaven whereby a person is fully aware that there is a Creator of the world with rules of conduct - i.e. the Torah - to guide a person as to how to conduct himself in line with the Will of Hashem.

With Fear of Heaven a person creates a "channel" and conduit to allow for the flow of abundance and blessing to enter his life. This, so that a person can perform Torah and Mitzvot at the level matching his Fear of Heaven without the distractions, hindrances and disturbances of earning a living [which prevent a person from serving Hashem commensurate to his level of Fear of Heaven].

However, the atheistic and deterministic science/attitude seeks to constantly conceal the Divine Will and the resulting Fear of Heaven by promoting and inculcating false ideals and phobias into people, thus pushing and forcing them to invest in "this world" by selling themselves to earning a living, and thus to believe that it is solely their efforts (through natural means) that are responsible for their survival in this world.

Yet the power of acts of charity is so great that it can constantly break the attempts of these false ideals from gaining the upper hand. Thus the overall power of charity - specifically transforming cruelty into compassion - is far reaching.

Both the revelation of Hashem's Will and the subsequent Fear of Heaven, lead to true joy in that a person is confident and trusting that everything in his life is guided solely by the Will of Hashem without any external/extraneous influences at all.
(These ideas are taken from Likutey Moharan part II lesson 4. See there for more details and depth. For audio classes on this lesson, please listen at: Likutey Moharan part II lesson 4)

Pesach to Elul

The miraculous Exodus from Egypt on Pesach was a clear and open demonstration that Hashem's Will is what actually guides the world.

The giving of the Torah on Mt. Sinai at the time of Shavuot enabled Moshe, the faithful shepherd, to enhance the inner desire of every Jew to connect to the Will of Hashem. By revealing and teaching the Torah - Hashem's Will - to the Jewish nation, Moshe was able to make them aware of what Hashem wants out of them. This thus served to arouse and intensify the desire and yearning to connect to Hashem no matter what their personal level was.

However, because the revelation of Hashem's Will at the Pesach miracle (and the subsequent arousal of every Jew's personal desire and yearning at the receiving of the Torah on Shavuot) was not 100%, this let room for the atheistic and deterministic attitude used by the yetzer hara to break the Jewish desire for Hashem through the sin of the golden calf (which signifies money/"gold" for survival/food/"calf"). This happened since the Jews in Egypt did not precipitate the revelation of Hashem's Will with acts of charity - namely transforming cruelty into compassion - which would serve as the arousal of the Jewish Nation to properly and "fully" receive the revelation of Hashem's Will and Fear of Heaven. (This was only rectified once the Jews started giving charity towards the construction of the Mishkan/Tabernacle after Yom Kippur.)

For 40 days after the golden calf sin (on the 17th of Tammuz), Moshe went back up to Heaven to plead and beg for Hashem to forgive the Jews and reactivate His compassion and "re-reveal" His Divine Will. On Rosh Chodesh Elul (40 days later), Moshe succeeded and Hashem accepted his prayers and requests, thus paving the way to receive a second and more fuller revelation of Hashem's Will - the Second Tablets - on Yom Kippur.

Thus, Rosh Chodesh Elul begins the revelation of Hashem's Will - both that it is His Will guiding the world and what does His Will require of us.

The High Holy Days

With the revelation of Hashem's Will comes along a commensurate level of Fear of Heaven revealed too. Thus the 40 days from Rosh Chodesh Elul are called "Yamim Nora'im" - Days of "Fear" - since the Fear of Heaven is revealed due to the revelation of  Hashem's Will.

However, since both are dependent on acts of charity, it is thus a common custom of giving much more charity in this time, especially before Yom Kippur. This so that the revelation of Hashem's Will and subsequent Fear of Heaven are solid and withstanding.

The revelation of Hashem's Will and Fear of Heaven lead to an influx of Hashem's bounty and sustenance, so that people can actually live up to the standard of serving Hashem matching their heightened Fear of Heaven unhindered by earning a living for even the basic necessities. Another product of the Fear of Heaven is the joy produced with this knowledge of Hashem's Will guiding totally one's life. Both of these represent the Festival of Sukkot.

The Festival of Sukkot

The Festival of Sukkot is known as the "time of our joy" specifically because of the resulting joy of the Fear of Heaven exposed on Yom Kippur. This joy - due to the realization that there is a Creator and Judge in the world Who will pay back for every good deed and misdeed - is the main thrust for helping a person to keep "holding on" in life. This is fully expressed in the joy of the Festival of Sukkot, where when even sitting "outdoors" in a temporary "hut" we maintain this high level joy/simchah.

Sukkot is also called the "festival of in-gathering", since it is a time when all bounty and blessings come our way, so that we can unhindered focus on higher quality service of Hashem. This is represented by the 70 cows offered during the 7 day festival period. We offer these 70 cows on behalf of the 70 nations, so that they will have the ability to sustain us - similar to the Israelites sustaining the Cohanim so that they could do their service in the Holy Temple unhindered.

Yet, because the attack of the atheistic and deterministic attitude is constantly waiting for a crack to enter and ruin the revelation of Divine Will, acts of charity must constantly be present to ensure their submission and destruction. Thus, it is an exceptionally great mitzvah to give charity on the Eve of Sukkot to ensure that the resultant joy and bounty of the Yom Kippur revelation remains full and complete.

Simchat Torah

We complete the High Holidays with this day which combines the resulting joy to our commitment to following the Torah as our guide - to bring our joy/simchah into the commitment to fulfill the Will of Hashem. This is done in order to brush off this experience unto the rest of the year. Indeed this is what ensures the survival of the Jewish nation and also portrays our mission in the future - to serve Hashem through the observance of the Torah with true and complete joy.


May this Elul experience truly bring us ever closer to Hashem - to the revelation of His Will in the world, the true Fear of Heaven, and the Joy in serving Him along with great abundance in order to properly serve Him, Amen.

* * *


I am praying and planning to take my 3 sons with me to Uman this year for Rosh Hashanah (For a video presentation about the significance of going to Uman for Rosh Hashanah, please see this video presentation: 
Uman, Uman Rosh Hashanah).

The total cost for this project (including flight, transportation, food, sleeping accommodations etc.) comes to about $3,600 (approx. $900/person). With my income being way below my monthly expenses, I of course cannot afford this special experience (to date, I have come up with $600).

Here is what I have to offer:

I will bli neder recite the 10 Psalms known as the Tikkun Haklali by Rebbe Nachman's grave on the eve of Rosh Hashanah (at the noon-time world recitation of the Tikkun Haklali) on behalf of those who can send any support to help me cover this high cost.

For support of $180 or more I will bli neder additionally recite the Tikkun Haklali on your behalf for 40 consecutive days.

For support of $360 or more I will bli neder additionally add your names to my 40 day davening list.

(As to why I am going out of my way to take my kids to Uman - especially when I cannot afford it - please contact me at:

To send support

  1. Through paypal at: UMAN ROSH HASHANAH SUPPORT
  2. Through a bank money transfer using this IBAN#: IL400521840000000655848

May this upcoming year - the Shemita year - be a year of abundant blessing and peace for all of Am Yisrael, Amen.

Meir Elkabas

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