Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Surprise! Surprise! It’s me again, after such a long time since I last wrote. Please forgive me, as a lot has been going on in my personal and working life, making it hard for me to find time for in-depth comment on the on-going situation around us.

In any case, for the most part little new has been going on in recent months that has seemed worthy of urgent comment. The Israeli election campaign was as predictably boring and ugly as the actual results have been disappointing. Little has changed in the Israeli government except for its outer face. The hoped-for swing towards a more Jewish Zionist nationalist direction in the government has not occurred. Only two days ago Prime Minister Netanyahu publicly admitted that he has no plans to expand Judea and Samaria, and stated explicitly that he does not intend to keep his pre-election promise to build 300 homes in the Ulpana neighborhood of the town of Beit El. Netanyahu has a history of posing as a staunch nationalist in his apparent stances while showing little muscle in his actions (who can forget that he signed away Hebron to the terrorists in 1998?)

What else could one comment on? How many times can one condemn the horrifying serial atrocities of Da’esh (“ISIS”) and others in the name of Islam? How many times can one note the pusillanimous response of the U.S. government to the destruction of the Iraq for which they fought such a bloody war to reinvent, and their failure to act meaningfully in Syria? As for the unremitting war on all levels against Israel, there is nothing new in the escalating BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaign against us in many parts of the world, notably on campuses and in major churches, and often led by outspoken “Jewish” liberals in America and left-wing Israeli academics. What is new in the incessant anti-Semitic assaults on Jews in the center of Paris and across Europe? In civilized London a pack of neo-Nazis wanted to publicly burn the Talmud on Shabbat in the Golders Green orthodox Jewish neighborhood of the city.

Surprise! Surprise!
The occasion for today’s letter is actually something that is totally unsurprising. 40 years ago when I was a junior current affairs commentator in the BBC World Service, it was an office joke that if you needed an opening line for your comment on some totally predictable news item, you could always go for the favorite cliché: “It comes as no surprise that…”

This is certainly the case with the much heralded “historical” nuclear agreement announced this week in Vienna following years of negotiations between Iran, US, UK, France, Germany, Russia and China. It really does come as absolutely no surprise at all, since it was always perfectly obvious that it was going to happen, and now it finally has.

The carefully choreographed timing of the announcement after so many delays could not have been more significant from the Jewish point of view, given that it fell on July 14 / 27 Tammuz, bang in the middle of the “Three Weeks” period from the Fast of 17 Tammuz (4 July) until the Fast of Tisha B’Av (26 July), when we soul-searchingly contemplate our collective past, our present and our future destiny.

For Jews and lovers of Israel across the world, the new agreement is prima facie very bad news, since it effectively gives a Gushpanka (Aramaic: “royal seal of approval”) to Iran to continue covertly doing whatever it wants to make nuclear weapons under the guise of peaceful development, while being readmitted to the International diplomatic and financial community, which will generate huge revenues for it to distribute to its terror proxies in Syria, Gaza, Lebanon and in target countries across the world. Not for nothing are many comparing the Western capitulation to Iran, with all of the accompanying photo-ops for the world “leaders”, to British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s capitulation to Hitler in Munich in 1938 which opened the doors to German expansionism and all the horrors of World War II.

This was obviously a very happy day for the leaders of Iran, for Syria’s embattled tyrant Assad, for Hezbollah and Hamas as well as for the third member of what President George Bush termed “the Axis of Evil”, North Korea.

It has of course been a supremely happy day for Nobel Peace Prize laureate U.S. President Barack Obama, who can look forward to a triumphant conclusion to his second term as the one who is bringing Peace in Our Time through integrating all of the world players into one big family with the only remaining black sheep, as it were, being little Israel.

It will also have been an exceptionally gratifying achievement for the unseen powers that pull Obama’s strings and tell his speech-writers and spokespersons what to say. Years ago I read a source suggesting that Jimmy “Peanut” Carter’s National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, had a strategy aimed to foment havoc in the Middle East. This has long been evident in all ensuing U.S. Middle East actions on the ground, systematically thwarting Israel while empowering the P.L.O. and Hamas, undermining Egypt, leaving Iraq and Syria to their fate, abandoning Saudi Arabia and other allies, allowing if not actually fostering the growth of Da’esh under everyone’s noses, destabilizing Libya, etc. etc.

The rise of Iran has in fact had covert U.S. support and encouragement since 1979, when the resolution of the “U.S. hostage crisis” in Tehran greatly empowered Ayatollah Khomeini, as well as sky-rocketing the then little known Palestinian Liberation Front onto the center of the world stage when the U.S. had to beg them to negotiate the release of the hostages. The role of the P.L.O. back then is testimony to the long standing alliance of the “Palestinians” with the Iranian regime until today. The covert U.S. role in Iran’s ascent continued, of course, under President Reagan of “Irangate” fame, when top administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran which was then subject of an arms embargo.

Today the U.S. government’s role is no longer covert at all but is being held up as deserving international adulation.

It may be added that another facet in the long-term strategy of the international clique that controls the U.S. government would seem to be that country’s demotion from being the world’s only remaining superpower, policeman and supposed champion of freedom to becoming but one among several powers that make up the core of an emergent world government under the U.N. Good luck with that one?

Amid all the cries of “Peace in Our Time”, the nuclear agreement with Iran is unquestionably a very happy day for arms manufacturers, developers and salesmen on all levels, because the coming nuclear arms race and increased militarization in the Middle East and across the world will generate billions in revenues on the backs of the tax-payers and at the cost of untold casualties. Do we really need yet another lesson in the great folly of war?

Besides the joy in Iran and its protégées in Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, the agreement will have brought great satisfaction to Russian President Vladimir Putin, a long-term steadfast ally of Iran. Indeed strategically on the international scene, it is Putin who has been calling the shots, as in Ukraine, where classic Russian expansionism has set all Europe on edge. The crafty Putin has taken full advantage of the U.S. administration’s asinine weakness and the disarray in the European Union.

There is indeed a very natural emergent geopolitical axis consisting of Russia, Turkey and Iran that has de facto been operating quietly with great effect and is likely to increase in strength and influence as US influence wanes across the world with her systematic betrayal of her supposed closest allies and her own principals.

While the nuclear agreement with Iran has brought great foreboding among Jews and lovers of Israel, it is important to keep ourselves focused amidst these seismic changes in the world upon the Hand of HaShem, who with consummate subtlety is crafting and orchestrating every detail out of hidden and revealed love for His people Israel and His desire for our speedy Redemption, and to vindicate the words of His prophets and sages.

We learn in Ezekiel Chapter 38 on the line-up of nations against Israel in the end of time War of Gog and Magog, that it is Gog, King of Magog that leads. I know that in the last two decades since the beginning of the Oslo “Peace Process” nightmare, some postulated that GeOrGe Bush or arch-terrorist Yassir Arafat were playing this role. The latter in particular would seem to have been some level of incarnation of Gog, as were figures like Hitler and Stalin in their time.

But if the seemingly emergent Russia-Turkey-Iran axis turns out to become a reality, it would seem quite likely that the next and possibly final incarnation of Gog will come out of Russia. This would fit perfectly with the Hebrew text in Ezekiel 38:2, where he is described as the “Prince, head of MeSheKh and Tuval. MeSheKh is identified by the rabbinical Talmudic commentators as Moscow, while Tuval is Tbilisi, capital of Georgia. Just think about what’s been going on in and around Georgia in recent years.

It is highly notable that among the most prominent of the nations that join with Gog are Paras (=Persia, Iran, verse 5) and the “House of Togarma” (verse 6), identified with Turkey or, according to other opinions, Germany!

The primary role taken by Persia/Iran in the end of days war against Israel that leads to the confutation of all the seventy nations is predicted in key rabbinical sources as well as being rooted in the words of the prophets.

Key Rabbinical and Biblical Sources

Since the days of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, who frequently quoted this Midrash, many have known of the passage in Midrash Yalkut Shimoni on Isaiah chapter 60 (#499): “Rabbi Yitzchak said: In the year when King Mashiach is revealed, all the kings of the earth will be at strife with one another, the king of Persia provokes the king of Arabia and the king of Arabia goes to take counsel with Aram (Rome, America?). Then the king of Persia goes on to destroy the entire world. All the nations of the world are quaking in horror and fall on their faces gripped by pangs like the pangs of a woman giving birth. Israel will be quaking in horror, saying “Where should we come and go? Where should we come and go?” And He says to them: My children, do not be afraid. All that I have done, I have done only for your sakes. What are you afraid of? Do not fear. The time of your Redemption has come, and not like the first redemption will be the final redemption. For the first redemption was followed by pain and subjugation to the nations. But after the final redemption, there will be no further pain or subjugation.”

The leading role of Persia/Iran on the world stage at the end of days is also attested by the graphic haggadic allegory in the opening pages of Talmud Bavli, Tractate Avodah Zara evoking the end of time Yom Eidam, “Day of Disaster” of the nations (see Avodah Zarah 2b ff).

The Holy Zohar (Bamidbar, Shlach Lecha 166a, Matok Midvash vol. 13 p. 122) explains that the words of the “writing on the wall” which appeared in Belshazzar’s palace and could be deciphered only by Daniel (Daniel chapter 5 verses 26-28), not only carry Daniel’s explicit interpretation given in the text of how Babylon’s power would pass to Persia, but also contain an allusion to how the power of Edom-Rome will at the end of days be destroyed and the dominion will pass to Persia, who will conquer many kingdoms and rule over the Holy Land for twelve months and will massacre many people and kill Mashiach ben Yosef. After that, the king of Persia will collapse and his kingdom will fall apart, and then Mashiach ben David with the Children of Israel – the supremely holy ones – will receive the kingship.

The scriptural source for the ultimate fall of Edom at the hands of Persia is contained in Jeremiah’s prophesy in chapter 49 verse 20, describing how “the young of the flock” will drag Edom over the dust. Rashi on this verse states that the “young of the flock” are “the most despicable of the nations, and our rabbis taught that this is Persia (=Tiras), who is the youngest of the sons of Japheth (see Genesis 9:27 and Rashi there). Talk about dragging! The talks dragged on and on, and we have watched how Iran systematically dragged the U.S. and European negotiators over all their original “red lines” until they got everything they wanted.

The very monster that the U.S., Britain, France and Germany have created and empowered will be their nemesis. Before too long we might well see the conquest of Europe and America by Islam and Iranian missiles. It seems significant that Jeremiah’s prophecy of the fall of Edom includes the destruction of “Dodan” (Jer. 49:8), which is bang in the middle of Saudi Arabia. Jeremiah’s words against Edom (verses 15ff), which are reminiscent of those of Obadiah, allude to Rome-America, whose national symbol is the eagle (vv. 16 &22).

There is a high contemporary relevance in words in Jeremiah 49 verse 18, comparing Edom’s fall to that of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the concluding words of the prophecy against Edom (verse 22): “…and the heart of the mighty men of Edom on that day shall be like the heart of a woman in pain”.

The emasculation of America has been proceeding apace for decades with the fruition of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender strategy to normalize and aggressively promote “alternate lifestyle” to the point where the U.S. army is now giving free license to transgender personnel. That the next President of the United States is most likely to be a woman shows how far America has come on the roadmap to self-destruction. Hilary can absolutely be depended upon to continue the current policy of demotion of the U.S. from the status of a world power and champion of freedom to the epitome of post-modern decadence and godless paganism.

The recent U.S. Supreme Court 5-4 majority decision to require all the states of the Union to recognize male-male and female-female marriages is the formal codification of this latter day Sodom. (The 5-4 ratio of the judges for and against reflects how tragically divided is America today, with people of faith who espouse the original vision of America now being a minority.)

Our rabbis state that when male-male and female-female couples write marriage documents, this brings androlomousia into the world, that is, social breakdown and chaos that kills good and bad people indiscriminately (Bereishit Rabbah 26:12 etc.). It would appear that one of the very strengths of Russia and a factor in its likely ascent is that its leaders refuse to succumb to this western madness.

Rejoice with trembling

As we watch all this unfold before our very eyes, the only possible conclusion is that just as the words of God’s true prophets and sages are being actualized in our time, so we may depend upon His loving protection and favor if we will turn to Him with all our hearts, with all our soul and all our might.

We may feel shaken by the rapid onward surge of events, but we need not and must not fear. For though we may tremble, we must rejoice that our finest hour has come, for now is our time to Witness to HaShem, each one according to his or her best abilities. Giloo B’Re’adah, Rejoice with trembling! (Psalms 2:11).

With Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av on Thursday night-Friday July 16-7, may you have a Blessed New Month and Shabbat Shalom!

Shalom from the Holy City of Yerushalayim!

Avraham ben Yaakov

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