Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Mr. President!

Protection and Preservation of the Amazônia [Amazon] and Pantanal.


There is Devastation of forests, trafficking of animals, Biopiracy and Loss of rights on the side of indigenous inhabitants, even if we do not realize on the day by day the direct effects to us, we should pay attention to illegal exploitation in the Amazon and Pantanal, is a fact not much discussed by political and little prolonged repercussion in the media.

We Brazilians who had the merit that God has given us to represent the Amazon and Pantanal, very little we done to protect natural resources, forests and animals and also due care to the people living there.

It would be nice to make a new agenda, present ideas, plans and laws that can actually work for the protection, preservation because is good for Brazil and around the world, for this generation and for future generations.

Letter to Mr. Interim President of Brazil Michel Temer.

Best regards,

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