Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Lasting Emunah

It is better to be a fool who believes in everything than to be so clever that you do not believe in anything.

If you believe in everything, some of your beliefs may be foolish but you will also believe in the truth. However, when a person is too clever and does not want to believe in anything, he may begin by ridiculing falsehood and folly but can easily end up so skeptical of everything that he even denies the truth.
Sichot Haran #103

There are many searching questions about God. But it is only fitting and proper that this should be so. Indeed, such questions enhance the greatness of God and show His exaltedness. God is so great and exalted that He is beyond our ability to understand Him. It is obviously impossible for us, with limited human intelligence to understand His ways. Inevitably there are things that baffle us, and this is only fitting. If God’s ways were in accordance with the limits of our meager understanding, there would be no difference between His understanding and ours, and this is inconceivable.
Likutey Moharan II, 52

If you ask a believer to explain why he has faith, he will certainly not be able to give you a reason, because faith is applicable only where one does not understand the reason. Yet, because of his complete faith, whatever the believer himself believes in is perfectly clear and self-evident as if he sees it with his own eyes.
Likutey Moharan, I, 62

When you have faith, every day is filled with good. When things go well, it is certainly good. But even if things go wrong and you suffer, this is also good. For you trust that God will have mercy and will eventually send good. Everything must be good, because everything comes from God.
A person who lacks faith is not truly alive, because as soon as something bad happens he gives up all hope. He has no way to comfort himself because, having no faith, he has placed himself outside God’s providence and therefore, for him, there is no good at all.
If you have faith, you will have a good and beautiful life.
Sichot Haran #53


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