Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Monday, December 23, 2019

HAPPY CHANUKAH!!! level of love

May HaShem illuminate with Love each and every Jew in Israel and rest of the world. What we fail to realize for a few seconds in life is that Master of the World sees, listens to everything we are doing. What "level of love" can we give to Mashiach? How do we want to receive Anointed even though our hearts lack sincere and pure love? The very questions give the answer how far or near we are to recognize and know Mashiach.

Even if people, things don't change immediately, that's where faith keeps the boat going to its final destination.

As Rabbi Nachman says we each have a "good point," let our prayers and Torah study be for the general benefit of the Jewish People, bringing eternal Peace, shalom!

Thank G-d!

Gilson Sasson.

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