Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Monday, May 25, 2020



Editor's note (Journal Mitzvah’s Gil Sasson): BH, what a great inspiration and good news, HaShem provides rivers of blessings, my friend Yosef Katzman's statement about his daughter's wedding was very inspired and a lesson in wisdom and true love that I am very happy to present at the Journal Mitzvah, the sparks of light filled my heart with great love, hope, motivation to believe in the wonderful ways of Holy One, Blessed be He.

May the couple be very happy and continue receiving blessings from Heaven. Mazal Tov!

Read please:

It’s all about Union.

Thank G-d after long preparation and anticipation; I walked my daughter to the Chupa this past week, and what a Simcha it was, small and cozy and full of life, I am ecstatic.

All good things that you have to wait for, you enjoy a lot more when they come.

A wedding is a union.

Creation is a union.

Torah is a union.

Moshiach and redemption is a union.

It’s all about a union; it’s all about a wedding.

A man and a woman get married in a union of opposites to build a family which will continue in perpetuity.

The Creator and His creations unite to make union of spirituality with physicality.

Torah is G-d’s infinite wisdom dressed in human logic for the brain to grasp G-d’s ideas with our mortal minds, and G-d’s ideas envelope the human brain and the human mind wraps around G-d’s wisdom to make a perfect union.

Moshiach is the end product of all unions; unity of man and woman, unity of physical with spiritual, unity of G-d’s wisdom with human comprehension, together they produce the perfect union between G-d and the entire existence.

5780 years were one long preparation to the union and marriage between G-d and the Jewish people, we refined and elevated the creation, through Torah we connected our mind with G-d’s, and we introduce infinity into time and space through marriage of man and woman.

So this week my daughter got married, next week we are celebrating the receiving of the Torah, and the ultimate goal is to consummate the marriage between G-d and the Jewish people when Moshiach comes and ushers in the final redemption.

The personal wedding is the microcosm and preview to the macrocosm, the time of anticipation is coming to an end, and by celebrating the personal wedding we usher in the communal wedding of G-d with mankind.

Dress your best and get those dancing shoes on, I feel it in my bones, the joy is palpable.

Mazal Tov!

Gut Shabbos

By: Yosef Katzman (Brooklyn, New York).

Posted with authorization of Yosef Katzman to Journal Mitzvah.


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