Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Friday, March 11, 2016

Teach Them to Love Mitzvos

SimchaMinute by Rabbi Avigdor Miller

Teach the child to love Mitzvos ("I love Your Mitzvos more than gold" -- Tehillim 119); not merely to look at the Mezuzah, but to love it.

​Suggest: "Don't we love the Mezuzos?" introduce into his mind the attitude of loving the Tzitzis, loving a Succah, loving the Matzah, and loving a Sefer. — Career of Happiness

Published by Copyright 2016 Simchas Hachaim Publishing.

Comments: When one says about love, I love it and I love that there is a tendency for some people do not understand, for example, why you love so much a sefer and it is difficult to develop the habit of exposing your love for simple thing like the pen; I love my pen, I write letters to my Rebbe, this is not a kind of 'religious fanaticism', but exactly for faith, gratitude and trust in Holy One, Blessed is He. Gilson Sasson.