Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Tehilim Keter David, Psalm 119, Friday and together developing a direct line with HaShem

Tehilim Keter David, psalm 119

Baruch HaShem,

During the Torah studies and my connection with many friends Jews as well as Non-Jews, perceiving the needing of spreading Emunah, Bitachon in HaShem as a reminder, with Heavenly assistance and with the means of technology (Facebook, Whatsapp) I received the idea of forming a Group to read Psalm 119 every Friday and together developing a direct line with HaShem, as David Hamelech had in his psalms.

As Rebbe Nachman said us: “One’s main focus in reciting Psalms should be to find one’s own real life situation in them.” (Likutey Moharan I 282).

Our service of G-d is create a WHATSAPP group and FACEBOOK group to read Psalm 119 every Friday, keeping in mind that many other people are doing the same with Faith, Happiness, Love, Good intentions and Grateful our Father in Heaven for everything.

May it drawn down from Heaven all the good to the Jewish People, Holy Land, World Peace, and World Brotherhood between governs and people, believing that our prayers will cooperate to some extent for good and remembering that everything is in His Hands.

Next post next week, we will be able to set a time (hour) of the day for all of us to pray Psalm 119. Together with Holy One…

Thank you!

Gilson Sasson / Journal Mitzvah

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

HaGaon HaTzaddik HaRav Elazar Mordechai Kenig, tz "l

In absolute truth the life of a tzaddik is based on Torah lessons and constructions (students, charities and more) conducted for HaShem.

Thank you HaShem and thank you HaGaon HaTzaddik HaRav Elazar Mordechai Kenig, tz "l for the excellence that continues to bear sweet fruits of kindness.

Not just a man, an agent of G-d.

Dear friends, read this post in official website, the story itself is a great Torah lesson to you.

* Friends from Brazil, I will do a translation in Portuguese soon.