Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Sunday, September 22, 2019



When a person is going through a crisis of faith, or even in doubt, it is very beneficial to say out loud, “I believe!” Simply expressing your faith in words is itself an act of faith, and it can take you to the true faith. Likutey Moharan II, 44

Always keep your head clear as these are the seven branches of the Menorah. Yet in all the messes and unclean things that are “set free and scattered” via Television, Newspapers, or low-level non-Jews, expressing their atheism, falsehoods and materialism, as our Sages say: Stay away, run from them, be quiet and don't get in the game to be angry, nervous or sad ... just saying, "I believe in G-d!" is our protection, otherwise there may be contamination of the evil through this openness that the person caused by not speaking holy words of Torah and prayers. “When a person faces serious difficulties in life, when he feels far from God, he must never become completely disoriented; he should think deeply about the great loving-kindness that God has shown him until then.” – The Tzetel Katan of Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk.

Rav Avigdor Miller was outspoken in his battle against television, to say the least, about the corrupt culture it promoted: "Would you invite a wicked person to preach at your table?" "Throw it out the window" (His Life and His revolution). Undoubtedly an hour watching television is an hour of lost Torah study forever, an anti-Torah, anti-God act. Some things from popular culture not only weaken the faith in HaShem, but distort the truth of the Torah, especially to our dear children who are beginning to study Torah. Television is not considered a bad thing at all in this society, although the content is released by censorship as 'normal', the content is far from appropriate. Much of what we see in today's world (ugly language, sexy clothes, etc.) was promoted through television, deconstructing what is right and what is good.

The yetzer hara attack can happen anytime nowadays, very common on Facebook’s post, do not be careless, do not let yourself be touched by involvement, always be careful to keep the faith 'Emunah' and be happy with what HaShem gives you. “Strengthen yourself in faith, completely avoiding all speculation. Do not look into philosophy, but believe in HaShem with simple faith.” - Rebbe Nachman’s Soul by Rabbi Azvi Aryeh Rosenfeld Z”l.

The only truth comes from HAKADOSH BARUKH HU! Keep the Faith that all that is bad will return for good.

Praise God! Praise God from the heavens – praise Him in the lofty heights! Praise Him, all His angels – praise Him, all His hosts!Psalm 148:1-2

Gilson Sasson

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