Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Thursday, May 20, 2021

3 Shiur of Rabbi Pinto


3 Shiur of Rabbi Pinto


[This is a repost, more than one year ago the mekubal, Rabbi Pinto answered several general questions including the current situation in the world, and I felt that I should post his shiurim again, this is urgent and important to us as we will need to fortify our emunah and bitachon in HaShem and through Tzaddik, to get knowledge to achieve greater wisdom and good decisions, and to do better and better what needs to be done by ourselves and our love ones. – editor of Journal Mitzvah]

(A little more than we did all together, the more Kedushah enters this world from below, for the good of all!) Thanks, Gilson Sasson.


Question 3

Date: 03.24.2020

Topic: Redemption, Anxiety



Dear Rabbi,

My wife is anxious about the state of the world once the Messiah will have arrived. 

Will families remain together?


Answer 3:

Before all: This is the year the Messiah will come. We believe that he will arrive at any moment. Perhaps within a week, a month or even a year- we are at the doorway of Redemption. It must be our firm belief that he may arrive at any moment.

One minor detail is that the Messiah will arrive when we are not consciously expecting him. If we calculate when to expect him, at a fixed moment or place, that holds him off; he will arrive when we aren't actively thinking of him. To have a fixed idea of when he will arrive can only create issues in faith. 

Our current times are the beginning of the process of the Redemption. The process can take a second, minute or Heaven Forbid, a month or a year. It all depends on us.

But our thoughts are on the Messiah at all times. In all prayers, rituals and important events we pray for the return of the Jewish People to Zion, Jerusalem. When a couple unites in marriage, a glass is broken to remind them of the imperfection of the world which will attain perfection with the coming of the Messiah.

The Resurrection of the Dead will take place and it will begin with Moses and His generation. They will rise from their graves and enter the Promised Land of Israel.

Surely, there will always be doubters who confuse the faith of the masses. These doubters are the Erev Rav, THE MIXED MULTITUDES WHO BROUGHT THE JEWISH NATION TO ALL THEIR FAILURES DURING THEIR TRAVELS IN THE DESERT. People who raise doubts about the authenticity of the Torah and the Messiah are descendants of the Erev Rav, and we must distance ourselves as much as possible from such people.

The Erev Rav also represents ONE'S OWN DOUBTS AND FOOLISH, futile behavior that has no room in a Torah lifestyle. Slander, gossip, immoral, vain or futile discussions disturb the serenity and truth of the Torah that we study and live by; we must double our efforts to create a boundary between the two.

With complete faith there is no need for any anxiety. When we are bound to HaShem and the teachings of the Torah we are on the right path to welcoming the Messiah. Anxiety and doubt should have no place in our lives. If they are present it only means that one has sins that they haven't yet resolved. Sins between themselves and HaShem, themselves and others or simply within themselves. Anxiety is only healthy if it keeps one on their toes from fear of sinning. But a fear which prevents progression in one's life should be uprooted from one's heart as quickly as possible.

By Rabbi Pinto.

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The President of Rabbinical Court of Morocco.

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