Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Monday, September 27, 2021



Dear Rabbi Tal Zwecker, In an attempt to inspire more people to approach HaShem, to do good deeds of kindness, I wrote this letter with my experiences and inspired by the lessons of the Rebbe.

Could you give Brachah so that the words of this letter enter people's hearts and continue to expand in myself?

“I give my berachos that people find inspiration to serve Hashem that this expands in your heart and theirs Amen Happy Simchas Torah”

Rabbi Tal Zwecker

(Book Author: Mipeninei Noam Elimelech by Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk)




Thank You HaShem! Receiving the Torah's Wisdom

First of all, I apologize for mistakes in my English, and with an open heart I share my experience with the best of intentions.

Torah is finding our true Self, the inspiration to find our mission, precisely the most important reason of our lives, clear impression of the existence; to serve HaShem and do our tikkun.

Torah is the work of the Creator; His Commandments are tools of the workers.

Torah is the only formula that cleans, restores and preserves a person's durability, spiritually and physically.

Torah is the Manual of Life as sages said. Using Torah's wisdom in acts of goodness and kindness, nothing remains the same like before.

A reality we cannot forget, the darkness of Terrorism and Antisemitism is evident around the world and what we can to do is Bring The Light of Torah to Humanity, it started with the big campaign for the Rebbe, teaching The Noahide Code (Universal Laws for Mankind) and spreading Torah was and it has been a great positive impact in the society, this is the way, each one doing what is possible in your community, city and country, or via Internet. Taking action in the Torah is a priority to spread goodness and kindness.

There's not much to add to continue what the Rebbe was doing, read what there is about his teachings, acts, something you and I can do, it makes sense, right?

There are fundamental Mitzvot like giving Tzedakah. However, even though some of us have the cliché of "Lack of time" because of job commitments or study hours at the University, But We Must Remember Other People From Time to Time, It's an Act of Kindness to send an email asking if your grandfather, your grandmother, your parents (if you are living elsewhere), your friend is Ok [How are you? I hope so.] Sounds basic and futile, but this kind of contact isn't just for someone who is lacking in affection, or depressed, well, that's what good friends, mates, relatives should do, right? Are we doing this weekly or at least once a month?

Communication and Feedback can be taken into account and widen our attention to this, when we noticed the thousands of letters of the Rebbe, yes, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory, his correspondence was many and he dedicated to answering and sending by mail, which nowadays could be by Email. It is also well known and documented in Alim LiTerufah the correspondences that Reb Noson of Breslov had with many people, even with all the financial difficulties, opposition from authorities against Judaism, they gave this value to each other, conversations based on Torah is a Mitzvah.

"With Wisdom the house will be built and with Understanding the rooms will be filled." Chayey Moharan of Rebbe Nachman.

G-d blesses you with holy inspiration, good intentions and good actions.


Gilson Sasson.

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