Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Monday, February 7, 2022

Theory/Teaching of TO BE HAPPY by REBBE NACHMAN

 Theory/Teaching of TO BE HAPPY by REBBE NACHMAN


The greater the Power/Knowledge/Wisdom, The greater the Responsibility!


When permitted from Heaven, the Sages or a Maggid share the teachings with their student(s), disciple(s) which will be understood in the present or sometime in the future. The more focused, disciplined we are, the more aligned will be in the same vibration as the master who is aligned with HaShem. This is why some people cannot understand and accept the words of the masters.


Scientists present the theory that the Universe vibrates, this vibrating movement is called String Theory, and this phenomenon is recognized and active in our dimension in an invisible way like radio waves, solar rays, etc. You think we're not vibrating ourselves, hmm?


The Torah is His creation yet we heard from the Sages; Chazal teach us that "God looked into the Torah and created the world" (Yalkut Shimoni, Mishlei 942). The Torah is the blueprint of all creation. The sound and shape of each letter generates our world.


Why do you think Rebbe Nachman told us to study and pray in a Joyful way as it is a Mitzvah to be happy? There are different vibrations of our body/mind, this alters our heartbeat, pressure, emotional stability when emotional state is linked to happiness, love, good news, emunah in HaShem, everything looks great, or when there are feelings of hate, envy, selfishness, guilt whatever, it is a low frequency, vibrating and attracting harmful things from the other side (sitra achra), that is why we have to force ourselves to be happy even facing problems, a negative vibration does not meet the right frequency, the Divine Source.


The Psalmist, David HaMelech knew this truth "Serve G-d with Joy, come before Him with singing" [Psalms 100:2] for singing is a wave of sound (vibration of particles) that permeates the entire world and entirely connect with the Holy One, Blessed be He.


“In practical terms, to summarize the matter: Heart must remain in a state of similarity to the Creator as much as possible within the level, degree and understanding of accepting it, vibrating in joy, loving generosity, full love, peaceful tranquility.”


By Gilson Sasson.

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