Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Friday, March 29, 2019

Lashon Hara, Hatred and Lack of Union

2019 is being a turbulent, noisy, crazy year, many people around the world are in panic, sad or doing bad something against another, there is not more wars between countries only but there are virtual wars but they are lethal its effects, channels like Facebook, You Tube have become a battlefield, unfortunately there is so much reproduction to increase hatred in this world. TV news is a drug to violence, the attack of the yetzer hara (evil inclination) enters through our eyes and it affects our minds directly.

The game title is: Disturb spiritual emotional balance. The biggest battles we face today are psychological attacks! This endangers our souls and like we should serve Hashem with honor, love, awe and shalom “peace”.

Have you thought about stopping watching TV? Have you thought twice before sharing negative news through your smartphone? No good to us. Hatred is poison, it steal our joy, peace of mind. We will not be more Peacemakers the servants of G-d and His Torah in this world, but destroyers of this world. Hate attracts more hatred, even if we want to justify and show the truth, it is dangerous as we expose the facts, a word or a misunderstood phrase becomes hell.

The root of the problem of our humanity is to be influenced, voluntarily or involuntarily by the media, not only by false news, but also by general news, movies, novels, (content) aggressive, offensive, low language, this is a kind of garbage that is absorbed in our minds, it seems that our life force diminishes, know that today our devotion to the Holy One, blessed is He and our study of Torah can be started again, doing the right thing. Remember Rabbi Nachman teachings; "Gevalt !!! Never give up hope! There is no despair." Likutey Moharan II, 78. "It is a great mitzvah to be happy always" likutey Moharan II, 24. "There is a way in which everything can be turned to good" Alim LiTerufah 114.

When we shared negative something, more negativity will be magnified, what to do? As Rebbe Nachman of Breslov said “keep silent, keep your mouth shut” against slander, insult, quarrel.

Focus on teachings of sages Tzaddikim is the best thing to do. Easy like this, it is not our option or alternative, this is the only right way to serve God that we should do.

Gilson Sasson
Journal Mitzvah

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