Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Monday, April 1, 2019

Understading Emunah (Faith)

Understading Emunah (Faith)

One person cannot explain what Faith is about, so as one person can understanding what Faith is about?

Emunah is connected with miracles and wonders of G-d, hidden ones and revealed ones, this is what we know directly from the Bible, although we can literally understand the meaning of all the events that the Almighty has done in every miracle and wondrousness, nowadays we put less "emunah" in it?

The Pharaoh, "worshiped" by some, and hated "empowering the pharaoh" by others, both place in this present time more trust, more sovereignty, more importance in the words of men, but as in ancient times, HaShem is the big Father, and below him are the big brothers, and whoever runs the big brothers is the big Father, always.

It does not matter at all who the president of a country is, if you put Emunah in your life, everything can become for the better, all that HaShem does is for the better, and exactly in this moment you realizes that everything is already better now, before anyone says that he or she did not realize it, HaShem renews the world every day, the very existence of life is the greatest wonder and very good... Technically, Emunah [Faith] is to trust in HaShem, without asking for anything in return, but Thanks G-d for everything, all is in control Him, in other words, whoever commands the whole world is the Big Boss.

The spiritual giants in his approach to G-d they understood with their Emunah, that Justice and Mercy is in God's Hand.

The perspective of some human beings is to have control of everything, and if things are not the way he or she wants, the world is evil and some kind of idol, another being is dominating the world, God forbid.

We do not need to have a very mystical experience or to be Torah scholar to give Thanks HaShem for everything in this world (our family, our torah study, our tzaddikim, our torah fellows, our friends, our job, our home, our health, etc)  even though we do not understand His ways, our Emunah stands firm and strong in Him. May our prayers strengthen our Faith.

“And God saw all that He had made, and behold it was very good, and it was evening and it was morning, the sixth day.” Bereishit - Genesis - Chapter 1;31

Gilson Sasson / Journal Mitzvah

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