Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


By: Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz

Dear friends,

Tonight begins the Netzach week of the Sefirat HaOmer…I hope the following teaching will help clarify and integrate into your lives, the power of Netzach\ Overcoming!


NETZACH-------it’s place in the Sefirotic template
The Sefira Netzach corresponds to the right leg---the
stronger leg….The legs take us to where we want to
go….Another function of the legs is to stand us up strong
and steady so that we don’t fall…..Nezach is the first of the
lowest group of Sefirot [Netzach, Hod, Yesod and
Malchut]…This group corresponds to the lowest of the 4
Kabbalistic Worlds –the World of Asiyah/Doing---the
World that’s farthest away from pure G-dliness, and as a
result, is the place of the most darkness, uncertainty and
obstacles….This is the world that demands our greatest
independence and efforts---the only way to get things done
in The World of Doing…..Here is where we need the
power of Netzach/Overcoming the most..... Regarding the
universal Sefirotic process, we are presently at a phase
where we have already conceived and internalized of a Gdly
inspired vision and have already begun to actualize
this vision and express it to others in a balanced,
harmonious way---now we must take it to a new
level—from the theoretical to the actual, and that’s where
the Netzach power of overcoming steps in…….

Picture one of the visions that you have that you
would like to actualize…..Picture what it would
take to make this vision a reality….Think back to
other visions that you have actualized in the
past…..What did it take to make it happen? Based
on your past experience, project what type of
Netzach/Overcoming know how it would take to
actualize your present vision

NETZACH-------tapping it’s essence
Until the messianic era will shift the consciousness of the
world to be one of perfection, we live in a world of
‘Tikun’… ’….This means that everything is lacking and needs
fixing , healing, completing and perfecting…. The more
that we are present with this reality and step up to the full
time challenge of overcoming, the more we live in Netzach
The more that we live in Netzach, the more that we are
inspired to take on the challenge of overcoming everything
at all times…..More than this, if you really look closely at
your life, you’ll find that you are ALREADY a master
Netzach\Overcomer person….you probably just haven’t
yet brought this to your conscious attention [until now]…..

Picture [in your mind’s eye] a day in your
life…notice how many different challenges that
there are that you need to overcome….Notice how
many unique and innovative solutions that you come
up with…..Now extend this day to a week and then
to a month and then to a year and then to a
lifetime until now……Afterwards, extend your
Netzach Overcoming tool coping power to the
present and to the future….Project the expected
obstacles and the tools and strategies [and state
of mind] that you will need in order to overcome ,
and picture how, with Hashem’s constant help,
you will carry them out…….make a list of your
tools…make a list of the top 10 tools….keep adding
to the list until you ultimately have a tool
chest…..then transform this tool’s chest to
become your own personal diagnostic chart for
coping with any and every situation

NETZACH-------a few other applications

1. Dominance-----------overcoming another person’s
will or control and/or influence, by imposing my own
EXERCISE-----Bring to mind a relationship
that you have where either you are presently
dominating the relationship, or, to the
contrary,someone is dominating you…..identify
what aspects of the relationship need to be
overcome in order to effect a harmonious
balance---a balance between dominance and
submission---a balance that would allow both
you and the other person [people] to be fully
self expressed…..Create the ideal relationship
,with Hashem’s help and the other person’s as
well, as best as you can

2. Competitivity-----overcoming the obstacles and
challenges of another person or of various
circumstances that would prevent you from reaching
your goal
EXERCISE-----Identify your goal….Identify
the opposition forces---those people or
circumstances that stand in your way….Generate
the excitement and adrenalin and innovative
tools that you need ….With a healthy sense of
competition, make it happen

3. Seeing Hashem’s Providential Mastery----
-overcoming the illusive perspective that the
governing of the world is haphazard---and seeing
instead, that the world is governed in the most
magnificent way….all is run by Hashem , the
conductor of this grand symphony [the
MENATZEACH/Conductor---the root of which is
Netzach], and we too are musicians in the symphony
[and actors in the play]
EXERCISE-----Begin to see life in the world as
being a grand symphony---though it may not be
clear at the present time, nevertheless, view
every detail that you see as playing a significant
role [including all of your own encounters as well]

4. Eternity -----overcoming the standard perspective
of time as being finite, and seeing instead, that all that
you encounter and engage in also has an element of
eternity [the word Netzach means eternity]

EXERCISE-----Open up your eyes to see and
experience Eternity now…..Do this by projecting
in your mind, that when any and every act,
word, feeling or thought that you engage in, will
continue to reverberate forever…..the more that
you get used to doing this, the more that you
will elevate and sanctify all that you do
Transcending all limits -----overcoming the assumption
that you are a person who has limited capabilities
and capacities, and open yourself up to the
magnificent possibility of overcoming as many
barriers as possible and transcending as many limits
as possible and living in an above-nature
extraordinary way

EXERCISE-----Identify an area of your life
that you feel are limiting your capacities and look closer....if you were to
project extending and expanding your limits ---
if you were to ask Hashem to help make it
happen for you---if you were to enlist all of
your powers and all of your friends powers and
all of your innovative tools, wouldn't you feel
like you could go beyond your present limits?!
Now , just do it---do it in this one area of
your life and another and another and see how
many of the present walls of your life come
tumbling down.....

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