Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Friday, May 16, 2014

THE ZOHAR's Mystical Perspective Hightlights

R' Shimon Bar Yochai

By: Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz

Dear friends,

Here’s another Zohar teaching in preparation for our Lag BaOmer celebration of the Zohar and it’s illustrious author-R. Shimon Bar Yochai….These are just a few featured summary notes that I jotted down while going through the first few Parshas of the Zohar…They hold value for me as a reminder of some of the wonder filled content…I hope that you get something from them as well---a sort of sneak peek into the light inside…



1. R. Chiyah's revelation is that mystics change dark into light.
2. Rshbi 13 years in the cave and the supernatural achievements.



3. 5 types of Eiruv Rav souls and their being our tran generational thorn in the side
4. the Hidden Light enabling endless perception
5. the fallen angels and their inability to cope like a human
6. 'The Book of the Generations of Adam'
7. the upper-world chambers of the garden of Eden
8. the 7 levels of lower or middle earth
9. the wise ones of the East and their similarities and distinctions from our Sages
10. future revelations to the tzaddik of future events in order to fix/prepare the generation
11. the year 5600-- the fountains of the lower and higher wisdom open up
12. the magicians and sorcerers must make themselves impure in order to be successful -the opposite of the Holy realm
13. studier of Kabbalah --highest level of all
14. the liberated freedom gained by Torah learning
15. Abraham's historical-cosmic 'gifts' to the East


16. When Abraham got to the Holy Land, he discovered that there was no intermediary
17. a midnight learner lives forever and receives a share of next world also in this word...and also never tastes death and is the most fitting blesser of Hashem
18. the prosperity of the non-Jew is dependent on Israel dwelling in their land
19. nothing is ever lost ---not even sounds


20. the nature of judgement---for the good things it is past , present and future....for the bad things it's only present
21. interincluded size/space dimensions;
a. all of the land of Israel is doubled under Jerusalem
b. the 'Upper Jerusalem' is inside of the 'lower Jerusalem'
c. The garden of Eden is inside of this world
d. The upper world is inside of the Lower one
e. The infinite is inside of the finite
f. the entirety of the land of Israel is folded up under the
head of Yaakov
22. Abraham was in a state of constant ascent and sparks collection
23. 'All-ness' ---the source of all blessing
24. the level of the 'baal tshuvah'[penitent] is greater than even that of the 'tzadik' since their 'brokenness takes them to the level of the world of 'Bina' ---to be a Chassid
25. in the future world , one is 'burned by the canopy of their friend'---meaning that the truth will be then revealed that their friend put out much more effort


26. the tragedy of Eliezer the Great---His Torah works [210 commentaries on the Song of Songs] are lost to mankind and return back up to Heaven
27. squinting of the eyes--a prophet constricts their vision to filter out the confusions of this world and let in only the spiritual
28. post life sync. with this life
29. various accounts of 30, 36 and 72 Tzadikim that hold up the entire world


30. The world is kept in existence solely because of the Torah
that people are engaged in
31. 3 parallel 'Shiur Komas' [complete dimensions] --mankind, the world and the Torah and the ability to micro and macro-cosmicize
32. the resurrection---a time when the soul and the bodies will be in total sync
33.. ''40'' [the principle of closure] ---explains the age of Yitzchak when marrying and the days of the flood and Messianic 3 of years before the resurrection and # of years the Children of Israel were in the Desert and the # of days of the formation of the fetus...etc..
34. Everything in Creation has a body and a soul


35. King David wanted to bring the Holy Ark---which contained the 10 Commandments , back to it's rightful place in Jerusalem to create a Divine Unification
36. 12 hours of the night divide into 3 'watches' --each containing 'The Song of a group of Angels'
37. there is not one word of Torah that is not filled with gems of wisdom and depth
38. After a person [in the prayer of the Amidah] unifies all of the appropriate unifications , they must lower themselves down to the world of the Klipot [the realm of evil] in order to liberate from there all of the trapped Holy Sparks.

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