Journal Mitzvah

Journal Mitzvah

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sefirot of the Sefirat HaOmer

By: Rabbi Yitzchak Schwartz

NETZACH WEEK- Transcendence Meditations

Dear friends ,

Netzach is about overcoming, transcending, being Beyond, eternity, being extra-ordinary




A. Jewish Mysticism teaches that the current mega-era that we're living in, referred to as 'Tikun' [until the Messianic times will usher in a new era called 'YICHUD' or 'UNIFICATION'] bespeaks a reality that deals with lack and moving in a direction of perfection....

B. There are many ways that Judaism addresses itself to this state of lacking. For example, the practice of Mitzvot [Divine Commandments] with all of their specific Halachic directives, seeks to transcend the lack of living in a life of finiteness, by infinitizing or Divinizing life 24\7. Torah learning and Kabbalistic outlook has the same effect on consciousness. In fact, it may be said that Judaism's essential outlook, is to transcend the mundane, the immoral, the ordinary and the natural and to elevate it all to the realm of the sacred, the extraordinary and the supernatural. This applies to all aspects of living---from the way we conduct our family lives, to the way that we live in our chosen land, all the way to how we eat, drink and put on our shoes....

C. Therefore, one of the main principles that cuts across the spectrum of Jewish and mystical consciousness-living is TRANSCENDENCE. Life constantly presents some type of blocking up of a 'flow'---an unhindered, infinitized 'flow'. The essence of transcendence is to re-open that Divine flow [this is basically the essence of Jewish healing as well]....



transcend-----------------transcend a state of habitual, uninspired, same old--same old energy, that all too often dominates your daily activities------by projecting a day packed with fully inspired experiences....see how you will jump out of bed and prance about your day like a child in anticipation of what's coming next......see how the activities of your day will be filled with joy and fun......see how they will be filled with innovative creativity......see how they'll be filled with a full expression of your self.....see how they'll be filled with such a unique approach, that many others will take notice and seek to join you and get on board.


transcend----------------------transcend those areas that are shutting you down in your Jewish practices and outlook. Go through this in your mind and/or make a list of these outlooks and practices that shut you down. Go through the list one by one

project ------------ project how you begin breaking through to living a 'turned on' type of Judaism. See yourself engaging each item on your list in a slower and more deliberate a more joyful a more knowledgeable a more G-dly a more self-expresed a more altruistic and selfless way.....see how your efforts to 'primalize your Judaism' produce incredible results, and begin to perpetuate new vistas of insight , teachings and teachers in your life.


transcend----------------------transcend as much as possible, that which shuts you down in your interpersonal relationships. Here too, mentally and/or in writing, make a list of the main people in your life and negative things about them that block you up and prevent you from a healthy and fully expressed interpersonal flow

project----------------project yourself opening that which is blocked up.....see yourself really beginning to groove on being with the main people in your life.....see yourself enjoying meeting and being with new people.......see how the people of your life are slowly but surely becoming great resources of wisdom and potential growth for yourself.....see how you enjoy more and more, giving of yourself to them and only gaining in the process.


transcend-----------------------transcend that which is blocking you from fully realizing and expressing yourself in life. Take note of those blocks

project--------------------- project a time in the very near future, where you will break through to a constant state of growing in the area of self realization and self expression......see yourself knowing exactly what you are here for in life......see yourself pursuing your 'calling' actively.....see yourself being totally present and focused in all that you do......see yourself being guided at all times and in all ways by the ONE ABOVE.............see yourself unifying all of the activities of your life into one essential 'you' direction........see yourself feeling free and liberated with a child-like enthusiasm at all times......see yourself taking advantage of all of your resources---past, present and future ones.....see yourself as an overflowing wellspring of self-expression----constantly drawing to yourself spiritual and material abundance as well as kindred souls seeking your influence and friendship.

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